Ramola D, Karen Stewart and Friends


Karen Stewart spent 28 years in the NSA Maryland, as an intelligence analyst and foreign language specialist.  Her intelligence reports were credited by her supervisors for saving thousands of lives.  When she reported NSA management wrong-doing… she was suddenly, secretly falsely accused of something that put her on a ‘terrorist’ list, and slated her for ‘harassment and death.’   Stewart is targeted with electromagnetic weapons now.

What is Infragard?  From the Infragard site itself:  “InfraGard is a partnership between the FBI and members of the private sector. The InfraGard program provides a vehicle for seamless public-private collaboration with government that expedites the timely exchange of information and promotes mutual learning opportunities relevant to the protection of Critical Infrastructure.”   

Karen Stewart is so courageous.  She wrote a letter to Infragard members and she put her name in her letter.  It began,  “Dear fake patriots.  This is a message from your victims, the thousands upon thousands of innocent, law-abiding victims randomly and maliciously put on your harassment list, your assassination list, the outrageously fake and contrived Terrorist Watch List, the Core Death List that is all about killing good Americans…  I am K. M. Stewart, a retired (NSA) intelligence analyst…”    However the FBI immediately sent a letter following Stewart’s to the same members noting…Attention InfraGard member,  You have received a new broadcast message.  On 4/24/17, multiple InfraGard members reported receiving a disturbing email from an unknown individual. It appears this individual used the InfraGard public facing site to obtain contact information for InfraGard Coordinators and IMA Leadership. As you are aware, the FBI and by default, the InfraGard Program receive email such as this on a routine basis. At this time, we are not aware of any direct threats made against any specific individuals. If you and/or your IMA leadership would like their contact information removed from the InfraGard public facing site, please send an email to Infra fra Gard Content @ leo. gov.”

Stewart, puts in her letter to the members of Infragard:  Here is a sample of the Constitution if you have never bothered to look at it:

4th Amendment – the right to due process, to know who accuses you of what, so that you may defend yourself especially against blatant lies by criminals. The right to be safe in your own home, etc. 


8th Amendment – No cruel and unusual punishment allowed, even if someone is convicted of a crime (much lessBEFORE.)

And laws regarding the Constitution:


18 US Code 241

Conspiracy to deprive of Constitutional Rights (such as due process, the right to KNOW what you have been accused of and by whom so that THEY can be held accountable as well).


My personal favorite is 18 US Code 241

Conspiracy to deprive of Constitutional Rights under color of law, i.e., protection from criminally corrupt law enforcement abusing their positions and perverting the law to benefit themselves or protect themselves from criminal prosecution.


18 US Code 2441 – War Crimes, using weapons of war by military, law enforcement or civilians on unarmed, non-combatants, among other crimes.


All the above from, Ramola D.’s-  TheEveryDayConcernedCitizen of August 5, 2017.  Where  Karen Stewart’s letter was published.   Ramola D. writes concerning what is known about Infragard…  “More tellingly, from the ACLU’s 2004 report by Jay Stanley,   The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society:  “The program has more than 10,000 members organized into 79 local chapters; the list of participating companies is kept secret…”  (That was back in 2004… think of all the ‘local chapters’ today.)

Ramola D. reports about Infragard,  “This operation is quite akin to the Stasi operations run in East Germany and involves  normal citizens being pulled into snitching, surveilling, and persecuting their neighbors—who are being glibly and wrongfully named “terrorists,” “extremists,” “enemies of the State,” and “unpatriotic.” The terms in which these operations have been experienced, observed, and reported online include “gangstalking,” “organized stalking,” “counter-Intelligence stalking,” and “electronic harassment.”  –Thank you Ramola D. The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.

Karen Stewart wrote in her letter to Infragard,  “The use of a human being’s body without their consent is called “Human Trafficking…”  And, “When someone claims that the Fusion Center/Infragard organized thuggery, 24/7 stalking harassment thinly veiled as surveillance, “is legal,” ask them to explain to you the standing Supreme Court decision “Marbury v. Madison, which declares that ANY LAW passed that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, is VOID….”   Also… “The FBI historically was caught engaging in such illegal, and criminal activity against Civil Rights leaders and Women’s Rights leaders in the mid-20th Century (1950’s/1960’s) simply because FBI Director Herbert Hoover was a racist and a chauvinist.   Remember, a country of laws guarantees that the law enforcement entities must themselves abide by the law.   In no Democracy are they or any public officials above the law, only in a dictatorship.”

(Interestingly, it has been determined that about 70% of  the hundreds of thousands of people targeted with electromagnetic weapons and brain computer interface- are single, older women.  Guess those experimenting on people with electromagnetic weapons know  that single, older women are less believed; and not listened too… more than any other member of our society except children.)

Would love to paint now, but when sit to paint, am viciously targeted… the same goes with exercise.   In the past week electromagnetic targeting exclusive to heart, head and genitalia.  (When a male friend asked he was told it would be as if a stun gun were attached to his penis for days on end.)  Viciously remotely DEW raped Saturday 8-5-2017.  Hard to believe?  Read below.

Physicist Dr. Catherine Horton’s site stop007.org is about the past five years of targeting by MI5;  “My home was broken into twice.  My computers were hacked.  My website was sabotaged and my email service taken offline…  My hip and knee were permanently damaged in physical attacks.  I was sexually denigrated and humiliated repeatedly.  I received several death threats.  I survived an assassination attempt.”   In her stop007.org, MENU under ‘Life-Signs from the War Zone,’ a chart reveals physical, mental and sexual assaults including entries from- Karen Stewart as well.  Stewart retired after 28 years NSA bottom right photo;  with Ramola D.  TheEveryDayConcernedCitizen bottom left; and Doctor of Theology- Millicent Black pictured bottom left.  These women are but four of the hundreds of thousands in the U.S. and millions around the world being remotely tortured, and remotely raped with directed microwave, radio wave, and radar weapons and BCI (brain computer interface.)

dr-millicent-black  karen-stewart-retired-nsa

Today is the full moon, have always held full and new moon ceremonies for decades to pray to the Great Spirit.  Am a medicine woman.  Am also a practicing Catholic.  Today, as in every ceremony will say…

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today.  Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them.  I love you dear God.  Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me.  So be it.  Amen.”  

Angels of God our guardians dear to whom God’s love entrusts family, friends, our territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me here… ever this day be at our side to light and guard, to rule and guide.  Amen.”

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