DEW Attacks


Went to St. Louis, Missouri to spend Thanksgiving with friend.  At the St. Louis Art Museum was targeted after half hour of stillness.  The guard in blue followed wherever I went.    Two more pictures from museum below.   Even though we changed floors consistently in the two hours we were viewing art, the same people were there.

striped-shirt-was-wherever-went2  friend-constantly-near1

The woman whose apartment stayed at, had no knowledge of what was happening around me or in their apartment.   This friend would not believe, if I were to tell her what was happening.  Took pictures below only when this friend from highschool was working.  She is manager of a grocery store.   In her apartment: levels extremely high at kitchen table and sofa where we spent all our time- where she spends 80% of her living time in home.  Took EMF reader out into the apartment building hallways when she was gone, to get readings from tenant’s doors…  Those ‘neighbors’ under; and next to my friends home registered high levels.

Inside friend’s apartment…

In her bedrooms and bathrooms where we didn’t hang out; magnetic radiation levels were half as low.

5 chemtrails above friends apartment house two days after Thanksgiving

Five chemtrails outside friend’s apartment building in St. Louis, MO.

Extreme levels of electromagnetic radiation emanating at drivers seat area of my car on way home from Thanksgiving visit.  Almost wrecked car -due to illness caused by electromagnetic frequencies at driver’s seat of car.   Traveled four hours to get to Springfield, MO.   Couldn’t figure out what was happening, until I thought to use EMF reader inside car and found levels in danger zone at steering wheel when stopped and car off.   Could someone at the apartment complex my friend lives at have put a device in my car when we were at the Art Museum and using her car, leaving mine at her residence?   Otherwise, why would such high danger levels of magnetic radiation suddenly be happening in car?

Today the 27th, skin on cheeks, chin, nose and lips turned bright red after traveling an hour around Springfield, Missouri on errands and then arriving at library, all the while feeling sizzling of electromagnetic frequencies…  Below readings from car, when turned off, lights off.  

New addition to this blog on Nov. 28, 2017.  On way to Brentwood library today turned left at a major intersection and had to stop suddenly because a car was PARKED facing towards me in my lane of traffic.   Just sat there… another ‘accident’ averted.

When viewing this blog found two advertisements below it for Department of Motor Vehicles.  Yesterday five photos were ‘deleted’ from site gallery, so could not use them.  Came back specifically today to put them in blog… and presto-chango, the photos were in the photo gallery.  Also corrected ‘spelling’ errors in this post today that were not there yesterday.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today. Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them. I love you dear God. Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me. So be it. Amen.


God's canvas

What am I grateful for?  Family and friends.  Health.  Animals who own me.  Knowing God and loving God.  Color.  Wind.  Flowers, trees.  Turtles, frogs, bears and all our other furred and scaled relatives on the planet.   Grateful for home, and car.  Libraries and librarians.  Grateful for music, dancing, singing, and art.  Snow, rain, clouds.  Grateful for the dirt, rocks, space between everything.  Privacy…  (oops never mind, don’t have any.)  Grateful for the ability to pray and think.  Grateful for ability to continue living productively and sanely while tortured, and disbelieved by authorities who do not know directed energy weapons exist.  Grateful for God’s grace for the ability to aid four car accidents that occurred  a car away from me, this month, while remaining safe.  Grateful to have real food some call organic, and clean water; to eat and drink.  Grateful to be able to walk and drive.  Grateful to write in a blog.  Grateful to be alive after 19 months of being  targeted with directed electromagnetic weapons.  Grateful to be alive and saner than ever, after five years of gangstalking.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.  For letting us have another day.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today for my family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me.  Thank you God for watching over, guiding and protecting us this very day.  I love you dear God and thank you dear God.  So be it.  Amen.

Smart Cars

beautiful leaves

In the New York Times March 9, 2011 article, “Researchers Show How a Car’s Electronics Can Be Taken Over Remotely,” by John Markoff, he writes computer hackers can easily gain access to anyone’s car.  Markoff- “… and take over the vehicle’s basic functions, including control of its engine, according to a report by computer scientists from the University of California, Sand Diego and the University of Washington.”  He ads that, “… no such takeovers have been reported in the real world…”  And just how would a person know?

Bring this up because after reviewing the ‘Blackwater‘ book this month by Jeremy Scahill, have been horribly fried because of it.    While driving to and from errands and library;  in the same month have been one car away from three vehicular accidents.   Don’t believe in coincidences.

It was great to see that there were Springfield, Missouri Police, or Sheriff’s vehicles waiting at each corner where each accident happened.  The officers just put on their emergency lights and glided on into the ‘accident’ scene.

Had just switched out of the right lane into the left on the last accident two days ago when the car crashing into things seemed to have the accelerator ‘pressed to the metal’ and came out of no where on the right.   Thank you God for having me change lanes.

Now being a targeted individual, just like the U.S. diplomats in Cuba… (but without the authority to be believed- like they are…) tend to watch everything carefully.  In the road right in front of me these cars appeared to be acting on their own.   (Always stop to see if anyone injured.)   While caring for and talking to those who were in the crashes- all the drivers ‘responsible’ for the ‘accidents’ kept exclaiming that they did not to have any knowledge of what happened. 

None could literally remember anything.  In the one ‘accident’ the car was upside down in a 40MPH stretch, flat surface and no broken glass anywhere.  When the young, sober woman crawled out a window, she claimed to have no idea how it happened.    If the cars were not hacked perhaps their drivers were brain computer interfaced?  The accidents all occurred on S. Campbell Ave. and  Kansas Expressway.   Many TI’s call this ‘street theater.”  Many TI’s and their family members have died in car accidents.

The Network kills their subjects by remote DEW/BCI  ‘accidents’,  ‘natural causes’ and by ‘mind-controlled-suicide.’

Two days ago deleted photos from media storage on blog to make space to write.  Two very important photos are gone today.    The week before, went through first year  (October-December 2016) to remove photos from all blogs.   It was these first three months that producers of classified this site as one of ten best ‘long reads.’  What found much shorter versions of what had been written.  Lot of facts have been hacked out of this site.  Today the first three months of could never be qualified as a ‘long read.’


Above left is reading of a healthy electromagnetic pulse in human being.   On right is the ‘disturbed’ reading of the EMP of a human being.

Went to seminar that was the last a famous healer was giving here in the Ozarks.  She appeared on Oprah and other talk shows, has books out and is an incredible, charismatic, international healer.  Her motto is, “You are what you love.”   

Working to bring credibility to what TIs are enduring is not what I really want to do.  Would rather paint pictures of angels, Madonnas, mermaids; like I have all my life.  And exercise like I have all my life.  Instead am spending so much time working to stop the Network: and these efforts unfortunately resemble a fly buzzing around the head of a grizzly.

A friend said that if a person didn’t have a voice they could get lost in mind games and the physical pain of being a TI.   Found out that 70% of single older women are targeted individuals in the United States.

You are what you love,” is true.  Gurus and masters claim it takes just one person’s happiness to bring light to earth to help break darkness here.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today.  Thank you dear God for the guidance, protection and love you give family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me.  We love you dear God.  We thank you dear God.  So be it.  Amen.

Valerie V. Hunt

God's grace

Please note this blog is hacked to alter spelling, and change sentence structure to make it appear as if the author does not know how to write.  Have to go back in and change blogs sometimes over and over to correct hacking.

The electrical and magnetic fields of the human body are complex and dynamic and are associated with dynamical processes such as heart and brain function, blood and lymph flow, ion transport across cell membranes, and many other biologic processes on many different scales.”  These phenomena are the bio-field.  The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) of the human body.  -Written by Dr. Valerie Virginia Hunt, who spent her life researching the EMPs of humans for forty years as a professor in the Electromyographic Laboratory in the Physiological Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.  Recording electromagnetic vibrations not previously known. Hunt worked diversely in hundreds of research areas- just two were among scientists from NASA; and participation in an acupuncture conference at Stanford University.   Information in this blog is from Dr. Hunt’s article about “Transformational Breakthroughs on Human Bio Energy.”

Hunt writes, ” The peak intensity of the electromagnetic radiation of the human bio-field is in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, in the range of 4 to 20 microns in wavelength.”  Below you can see on the left the recorded healthy EMP of a human.  On the right is the disturbed EMP of a human.  Hunt found that individuals whose energy fields were disrupted or  had “missing frequencies” could eventually heal themselves.  Hunt’s research also noted when the EMP is disrupted, it effects the physical body.

Dr. Hunt became famous for her work with energy, when most  scientist’s were preoccupied with the molecular revolution; which culminated in the Human Genome Project.   She was one of a small number of scientists working worldwide researching energy fields of the human body and measuring the bio-field.

Dr. Hunt used telemetry instruments similar to those used to record brain, heart, and muscle waves of NASA astronauts in space.   Analysis of the astronauts data provided uniform informational patterns of frequency spectra, sequential wave trains and amplitudes unique to each subject.  “At any moment in time, a person’s state of consciousness and his level of awareness is predictable from his mind-field frequency pattern.”  Dr. Hunt writes.  Network experimenters use different projected mind-field frequencies to control the ‘persons of interest’ they are targeting with directed energy weapons.

When in ordinary reality and focused on the material world, Hunt found a person’s energies are at lower frequencies up to 250 Hz  taken from nerve and brain activity.

The scientist Hunt, found that if a person is in an altered state, “… with a psychic, hypnotic or metaphysical reality, the frequencies are extended above 400 Hz. These are the beginning frequencies of the mind-field.”   Hunt noted that when a person’s EMP is above 400 Hz  they tend to “channel” and predict the future.

When interrogated and ‘taken down’ into levels of subconscious by hypnosis as a TI  lays in own bed….  When tiny alternating lights of white and red come through ceiling/walls effecting eyes to entrain…  this form of brain computer interface is at least the 400 Hz frequency Dr. Hunt researched.   With a human wearing an invisibility suit on roof- hypnosis and frequency entrainment are easy to achieve with through wall technology.   Least resistance from roof, walls are thicker.  A targeted individual gets tired and exhausted at some point and literally gives in to sleep.  That is when most torture with electromagnetic frequencies is done on them, waking them up.  At that point one becomes a ‘witness’ to what is done to them as if their brain has literally been hijacked.

Some TIs note that during these times of deep hypnosis at 400 Hz or more, an angel is found inside the frequency who speaks.  When this happens the scientist or experimenter always says, “Who are you?”

Cursed is he who strikes his neighbor in secret.” – Deuteronomy 27:24. From the Christian Bible.

A TI told me that the last time they were entrained and interrogated was Sunday, October 22, 2017.   They were targeted with directed energy weapons so bad they were unable to move feeling quite ill, and had to lay down mid-morning inside a hand-made Faraday-type enclosure.   The TI became mesmerized.  And was interrogated.  Coward in charge of  experimentation went lower into subconscious than ever before.   And TI was present as a ‘being’ without body, in complete ‘blackness.’  Hearing the people speak who were doing remote DEW torture.

An angel spoke ;  “You will never, ever be able to take the light of God from inside of this person.”   (This angel sounded like a woman.)  The angel said that it didn’t matter if the experimenters, “… were demon or human- they would all be required to justify their actions in front of God.”  Saying those involved in taking God’s greatest gift from humankind, “free will” were “doomed for eternity in hell.”   The angel then said to “… get up.”   The TI said they did so with ease.  Usually under the effects of frequencies the TI was not able to move.  Will repeat below what Dr. Hunt said of persons entrained at certain frequencies:

But Dr. Hunt found that if a person is in an altered state, “… with a psychic, hypnotic or metaphysical reality, the frequencies are extended above 400 Hz. These are the beginning frequencies of the mind-field.”   Hunt noted that when a person’s EMP is above 400 Hz  they tend to “channel” and predict the future.

Albert Einstein said, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our humanity.”  It has happened.

Hunt goes on to write that, “There is another group of persons we describe as mystics, who display the broadest awareness with a complete range of uninterrupted frequencies… We recorded their field frequencies to 200 kHz, as high as our instruments could record.  In their presence one sees or senses powerful white light.”  So that is why some people have halos or really beautiful auras… their EMPs are off the charts.

What is it Network cowards?   You want to map ‘God’ in people?  Is your end goal to capture all psychic gifts brought up defensively while a person is entrained and tortured?  Is the goal of the Network to download souls so artificial intelligence is the next evolutionary process on earth for humans?   So the government can effectively map the greatest energy as weapon on earth, which is spirit- God’s image inside us?  Just how small are you Network cowards?  How ignorant?  God is God.  No amount of technology, no amount of money, computers, weapons and people will ever make the Network or artificial intelligence anything like God.  How arrogant.

always where am day or night  good friend

energy centers in body called Chakras  Only God can do what God can do.  A TI must get out of the way, and let God do it.

Am told lately that if I love those assaulting TIs, there would be nothing for them to harm.  That TIs would be out of their frequency.   Would not exist for them.  “If you love them and let God do the work, they cannot harm you.”  OK.   They have hurt so many, so badly.  Many TIs cannot love their remote torturers and rapists.

Each of us has an electromagnetic pulse.  Ancients from around the Earth and modern healers know about the body’s ‘chakra’ energy centers.  Those using directed energy weapons have technology to isolate individual EMPs in a crowd.   The U.S. government can use EMP for identification seen by satellite.  The same holds true for computers and cell phones on ground that can isolate and home in on an individual’s EMP.   The Network can then shoot away at a target with DEW’s; never harming another human.  This is what makes electromagnetic frequencies the perfect weapon- and the fact they are invisible.

In the Quran, 24:24 it says;  “The day will come when their own tongues, hands, and feet will bear witness to everything they had done.”   Hear that cerebral hackers?

God is our greatest protection and security.  God is faithful.

Supposedly.  The real enemy is not the Network or their gangstalkers, experimenters, or any multidimensional being… only satan is the enemy.  Satan by any name.  Evil- the (devil) steals, kills and destroys.  It says in the Bible to get your heart right with God.  Then, “… submit to God.  And resist the devil and the devil will flee.”  -James 4:7-9.

Is the devil only in Christianity?   In the book of Enoch a Watcher Angel is called Satanael.   There is a Buddhist demon Mara.  A Zoroastrian  evil spirit called Angra Mainyu.   In Islam there is Azazel, and the Shaytan.  In Sufism the concept of the opposite of love is seen as demonic.   The Baha’i faith the ‘lower self’ and insistent self’ is defined as ‘Evil One.’  A pre-Islamic religion Yazidism refers to a being named Melek Taus as representing evil.   In Hinduism, ‘Garuda’ is the closest god in common with satan.  In Judism the ‘adversary’ is Hasatan.  In Sikhism they believe there are evil entities, but not necessarily a devil.   Seventh Day Adventists believe Lucifer fell from heaven.  And Mormons believe Satan was the brother of Jesus.

Most people believe evil is the opposite of God, opposite of  ‘good’, and evil  can influence humans for the worse.   There are religions like Scientology that believe demons and satan; are aliens from another planet that have come to earth for centuries to subjugate mankind.  Traveling here quickly through wormholes.  Minister Christopher Macklin, who works and lives in Branson, Missouri believes demons can access earth in minutes through worm holes from other planets.

One woman in public literally tilted her phone at me, her face smiling.  She was showing me a vivid green computer program that monitored  physical space we were in.  Odd geometric shapes visible, connected by lines denoted everyone sitting in the public area.  We were part of a ‘program,’ in her phone.  Saw configurations of  tables and single individuals alone as a diagram on her phone.  Her boyfriend on his computer voiced loudly an opinion that he wished I would leave, so they could get on with their day.  Guess when a government paid gangstalker is called to do ‘a job’ in their vicinity sometimes it interferes with their regular life…

Notice that around 9-10am in the morning  usually fried awake after being awake all night from DEW attacks, so gangstalkers can leave and go about their normal lives.  Used to wake up every day at 5am.

All that has happened since June of 2017 makes it easier to understand  the unseen world around us more.    Never realized just how real and protective our angels are.   Angels support each and every one of us on earth every single day of our lives.

Met a friend the other day.  Never said a word of being DEW targeted all night and morning.   Had to get out of the house, needed to do something different.   Pretend everything was good, everything was OK.  Going through the pretense helps.  Met friend at Springfield, Missouri Art Museum to see the Dale Chihuly glass chandelier reception.  An acquisition permanently hung in the museum’s entrance.

Usually being in a room full of strangers is daunting when you are a targeted individual.  Putting cookies on a plastic plate and filling a plastic cup with water to sit in the Art Museum gift shop at a table and talk with friends was lovely.  It is so strange and wonderful to do something ordinary when you are tortured in a society that knows nothing about what is really going on in the United States.

During two hours inside the Springfield, Missouri Art Museum was photographed repeatedly by a man with long range lens on camera slung on strap over shoulder.  Saw photographer meet with museum security when he first walked in.  Also DEW targeted by a young, white, dark-haired woman, between 18-20 years of age wearing shorts and T-shirt… whenever woman walked by.   A very large, tall, old white man in beige suit bumped into me hard in very large empty room- but did not apologize.  Then two white male security guards hurried to the entrance of the room, heads together, talking while they stared at me.  Was this intimidation?   Upon exiting Springfield, MO Art Museum into a grey rain:  looked across the crowd in entrance foyer to see a large-girthed, short, white woman in her sixties standing against the Art Museum outside wearing huge sunglasses in rain.  The woman smiled like a Cheshire cat while following me to friend’s car.

But nothing could bother me, because was with wonderful friends…  Jubilant to have fun for the first time in a long time.   Nothing could have dampened that evening, not even cowardly gangstalkers.

friend1   another friend

Wrote this at the Library Station in Springfield, Missouri.  A young man sat across from me as he usually does when go there.  He targeted legs harshly, so moved.  Then at new location a white, old women came in and sat across- it began again.  My eyes were also ‘hit’ with frequencies so disturbing it caused vision to become blurred or completely obscured suddenly hard to see computer.

Grateful for the kind librarians.  Thank you.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today. Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them. I love you dear God. Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me. So be it. Amen.

Springfield, MO DEW Attacks


A former Springfield resident who fled this city, who is also a targeted individual noted that if his cat stared intently at nothing… he got a camera and took pictures of the nothing.   Then he said that interesting objects, lights were visible in photos.  Below are chemtrails visible to anyone’s eyes.  Seven, photographed same day above my home within one hours time.   Six “X’ configurations over home.  Pictures dated November 11th taken when northwest wind moved so fast trails out of sight in five minutes.   No chemtrail photo was duplicated- all different trails.

Last week had to pull over in traffic on a busy road in Springfield, Missouri to help my dog in backseat of car.   A shelter dog, he is deaf and sort of wild.  So he stays on a leash in the car to keep him from jumping in my lap while driving.  He was all tangled.  Pulled to a side road by a restaurant to free him.  Then turned into the restaurant’s parking lot to get back onto main road.  Immediately a worker came out back door and motioned me,  to get away from the restaurant.   He was staring at me while waving that I should go away.  (I used to go there once a month when working at a former employer for twenty years.  All their employees knew and liked me.)

Understood that he letting me know that if I entered the restaurant someone in there would DEW target me.   Was he the gangstalker required to target in that vicinity- and he didn’t want to hurt me?   Or was it someone else?   I smiled at him and continued on as had originally intended to do.   God bless him for that.

It is my belief that each targeted individual is known by all the gangstalkers in their communities- some targeted individuals are probably seen as “good; others as bad.”   Well… good or bad is not reason to immorally and illegally remotely DEW slow-kill, torture and rape anyone to death.    The Network labels, slanders and ruins every targeted individual’s reputation.   At work places, churches, stores… everywhere a TI goes.   Before we get where we are going, alerts are sent out on cell phones about a TIs approach.

Was treated to lunch last month by a friend.   At Golden Corral; an old white man stared at me openly,  laughing out loud while watching me fill a plate.   Seemed he got a ‘kick’ out of seeing me in person.  Before then, perhaps he was only able to watch live broadcasts on Gangstalker-Network internet site of a TI being remotely tortured with directed energy weapons?  Have learned to take the reaction of strangers in stride- their warnings, visible anger, and visible delight are caused by what  they have seen of my DEW targeting on the internet.  Learn to ignore when complete strangers act as if they know me.   None of this happened to me until DEW targeting began in June 2016.

So many gangstalkers get angry at TIs when these involuntary subjects they are paid to remotely DEW torture say mean things about their torturers in the privacy of their own  homes.   Why don’t they stop spying on, listening and watching TIs then in the privacy of their homes and in the privacy of their brains?

Targeting has changed everything.   Since childhood have awakened at 5am each morning.  As an early riser.  Enjoying solitude, birds singing, drinking coffee or hot tea outside in fresh air- often went jogging, then always to work afterwards to make employers lots and lots of money.   In my apartments or home, have always kept windows opened inches at the bottom, no matter what the weather… but after the Urich’s sprayed pesticides on me outside several times from their rental to the south, have since kept windows shut always.

Experimentation; torture, brain computer interface and remote DEW-rape has been perpetrated criminally no less than thirty times in the past 18 months by rental neighbors, and invisibility suited cowards on a TI in Springfield, MO.   This TI has  learned to immediately shelve this violence into compartments mentally.   And move on.

new metal bed put together all pieces of metal with duct tape... doesn't work A TIs metal enclosure around their bed.

New, improved metal sheets with duct tape enclose bed in center of home.   Slept like a baby first two nights in.   Third night, targeting levels increased so harsh TI made quite ill; could not get out of bed until ten o’clock following day.   Guess the targeters were mad bed enclosure built?    Wanted to show TI who was boss?  God is the boss!   Gradually these  hand-held DEW attack rates lowered to ‘regular’ sizzling levels.  Below is whole house directed energy coming from north rental, displayed on EMF reader in home: no electricity running near unit.  One at kitchen sink and the other on TIs bed.

In 1948, CIA’s Dr. Paul Hoch (a New York State Commissioner of Mental Hygiene,) said of his mind-control experiments “It is possible that a certain amount of brain damage is of therapeutic value.”    Have had headaches in the last three days.  During conversation on the phone with family have to think of words to say instead of just having ability to automatically speak.

“Cursed is he who strikes his neighbor in secret.”  – Deuteronomy 27:24.  From the Christian Bible.

DEW injuries of Cuban U.S. Diplomats are, “mild traumatic brain injury, permanent hearing loss… brain swelling, dizziness, nausea, severe headaches, balance problems, tinnitus and prolonged ringing in ears.”    -According to the New York Times Sept. 16, 2017 article, “Cuba Mystery Grows: New Details on What Befell US Diplomats…” from Associated Press.  The U.S. government first admitted to DEW attacks nine months after embassy officials submitted documentation of them.

“The attacks seemed to come at night.” said a U.S. Diplomat.  -In the Guardian newspaper of Sept. 14, 2017, “Mystery of sonic weapon attacks at US embassy in Cuba deepens…”  “Some victims now have problems concentrating or recalling specific words, several officials said, the latest signs of more serious damage than the US government initially realized. “    Does a targeted individual have to be a diplomat, PhD, or government/military person to have DEW injuries believed?  Why?  Does a citizen have to be DEW attacked outside US borders to get news coverage?  Why?

While writing have been DEW attacked at Brentwood library, legs shaking.  Took off shoes with stocking feet on floor hoping to ground, but didn’t help.  It now takes three days to a week, to write a post.  Used to be able to accomplish writing one blog post each day.   Thank you librarians for being so kind.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today. Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them. I love you dear God. Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me. So be it. Amen.

Jeremy Scahill’s- “Blackwater”



Below are a few of the hundreds of published U.S. patents for invisibility or “chameleon” suit materials, invisibility cloaking for devices, and invisibility detection devices.

In 1994 US Patent 5307162 By Richard Schowengerdt.

In 2006 US Patent 20060131478 By Ray Alden…

In 2007 US Patent 7206131 By Ray Alden with the US Army…

In 2008 US Patents- 200801654412 By Wenshan Cai with the US Army… 20080165442 A1 By Cai, Shalaev, Chettiar, and Kildishev with the US Navy…

In 2010 US Patents- 20100156556 by Nathan Cohen… 7795596 By Aref Chowdhury awarded by US Air Force… 20100156573 By David Smith with the US Army… 20100110559 By Wenshan Cai with the US Army…

In 2011 US Patents- WO2010021736A9 By David Smith for U.S. Air Force… CA2832795A1 by David Kaplan awarded by US Air Force… 20110085229 By Oleg Lavrentovich with the US Navy…

In 2012 US Patents- 8,253,639 B2; 20120319798 A1 both by Nathan Cohen… 8195244 by Clinton Smoyer… 8094378 By Alexander Kildishev with the US Army…

In 2013 US Patents- 20130010346 By Steven Risser… CN103181025A By 大卫·卡普兰 – ‎塔夫茨大学 Contracted by US Air Force… 8490035 By Anthony Grbic awarded by US Air Force… 8509578 By Igor Smolyaninov with US Navy… 20130017348 By Atsushi Sanada with the US Navy…

In 2014 US Patents- 8867121 By Oleg Lavrentovich… WO2014182398A1 By Andrea Alu grant from US Air Force…

In 2015 US Patents- 893757; 20150130563, 9134465 B1 all by Nathan Cohan… WO2015195286A1 By Andrea Alu awarded by US Air Force… 9140444 By Robert Connor…

In 2016 US Patents- 20160320531 By Seyedeh Mahsa with the US Army … 9482474 By Nathan Cohen…

In 2017 US Patents- 9659297 By David Russell… 9677824 By Nathan Cohen… 9557547 B2 By Joseph Choi with the US Army… 9677856 By John Pendry with the US Navy…

Below photo shows perfectly good glass window now missing from ‘neighbors’ garage.  Easy entry for gangstalkers.  This space is twenty feet from my home.  Table placed inside is also new as of a couple months ago.  Table placed on on large plywood over rocks to stabilize.  For DEWs, laptops and BCI tech equipment?  No light fixtures are visible in this garage.  Trash under table is new.


Continuing with the Springfield, Missouri Library Center MOBIUS loan of 2008 book by author Jeremy Scahill- “Blackwater: The rise of the world’s most powerful mercenary army.

In 2002 former CIA agent, Jamie Smith told Blackwater’s Erik Prince that government contracts were akin to a “metastasis of a cancer… So if you get in that pipeline, then everywhere that they’ve got a problem and an office, there’s an opportunity.” 

One of Blackwater’s first “cancers” was at the CIA’s Kabul, Afghanistan station.  They garnered $5.4 million in a six-month no-bid contract for protection provided by twenty security guards.   Blackwater President career-Navy Seal Gary Jackson was at the center of the ‘metastasis,’ when boasting of his company’s top secret ratings.  Scahill writes Blackwater’s secrecy clearance was at the apex of black contracts so high they “… couldn’t tell one federal agency about the business it was doing with another agency.”

In the New York Times the “Case Ends Against Ex-Blackwater Officials,” from Feb. 21, 2013 by Risen and Mazzetti regarding, “The federal government’s three-year prosecution of five former officials of Blackwater Worldwide virtually collapsed on Thursday after charges against three of the officials were dismissed and the other two agreed to plead guilty to reduced misdemeanor charges with no jail time…  ($5000 fines.) The charges stemmed from a raid in 2008 by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of Blackwater’s sprawling headquarters complex in Moyock, N.C. Agents seized 22 weapons, including 17 AK-47s.  (Soviet Union assault rifles.) The former employees were charged with trying to hide the company’s purchases of the weapons by making it appear that a North Carolina sheriff’s office had bought them.  In addition, federal prosecutors charged that Blackwater tried to avoid export regulations in illegally shipping a cache of short-barrel rifles overseas.

What do Blackwater mercenaries look like?  Scahill describes them writing they were, “… chiseled like bodybuilders and wore tacky, wraparound sunglasses.  Many wore goatees and dressed in all-khaki uniforms with ammo vests or Blackwater T-shirts… sleeves rolled up.  Some of them looked like caricatures, real-life action figures, or professional wrestlers.  Their haircuts were short, and they sported security earpieces and lightweight machine guns.”

Anytime Blackwater mercenaries traveled in Iraq- company policy demanded they have three men in each vehicle: one holding a machine gun.   Blackwater armored vehicles would rather slam into an Iraqi civilian’s car than slow down and wait for cars to get out of the way of one of their convoys.  Because they operated above the law, they never stopped for ‘fender-benders’ Scahill wrote.   On November 28, 2005 a convoy struck eighteen Iraqi citizens cars round trip from a meeting at the Iraqi Ministry of Oil.

Noted Scahill, “They bossed around journalists...” grabbing at  cameras, because they didn’t want their faces in the news.

While guarding someone Blackwater troops would rather aim their gun in your face, to get you to step aside as their clients walked past- than ask you to move.  -Scahill quotes U.S. senior military and government officials as saying sometimes they felt threatened.

Paul Bremer was appointed by President Bush to lead the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq.  Protected by Blackwater security.   Bremer replaced General Jay Garner.   ‘Hawkish’ Bremer is a right wing politically conservative Christian… converted to Catholicism- like Erik Prince.   Scahill refers to Bremer as the viceroy of Iraq.  When Bush appointed Bremer as head of the CPA over Iraq in May 2003- Bremer moved into Saddam Hussein’s Republican Palace compound on the Tigris River.   Journalist Naomi Klein of The Nation is quoted by author Scahill as saying about Bremer that he was like a computer hacker who, “… cripples corporate websites then sells himself as a Network security specialist.” 

my-buddy-who-is-targeted.jpg Below is a dog who owns me.  He is DEW targeted also.

Scahill–  Fallujah, has long been seen by the U.S. military as the most “rebellious” city in Iraq where the greatest massacres of women and children occurred.   Rebellious especially when foreign governments have their city under siege; to ‘liberate’ them?

In April 2003 the Al Qaed School (meaning Leaders School) on Hay Nazzal Streeet in Fallujah was turned into a U.S. occupation headquarters.  The massacre of thirteen residents, six of them children happened soon after.  U.S. troops claimed the Fallujahns shot first, but there were no bullet holes in the school, only in the buildings opposite the school.  After this attack Iraqi sentiment turned against U.S. occupiers, Scahill notes.

Bush also made Bremer- Director of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in 2003.  How Bremer could do this job from his palace is unknown.   Scahill writes that when touring a looted Iraqi art museum viewing a collection of ancient gold bracelets, Time magazine quoted Bremer as having said “Which one can I take home for my wife?”   Looting of national treasure was attributed to the U.S. occupation; its embedded journalists; it’s contractors and it’s mercenaries. -Scahill.

A former senior State Department official said of Bremer, “What he knows about Iraq could not fill a thimble,” Scahill documents.

Just two weeks at his new post Bremer announced to the world Iraq was, “… Open for business.”  Two month after this declaration the ‘viceroy’ considering himself a citizen of Iraq said, “We are eventually going to be a rich countryWe’ve got oil, we’ve got water, we’ve got fertile land, we’ve got wonderful people.”

Writes Scahill, “Blackwater’s men brought a singularly Yankee flair to the Bremer job and, by most accounts, embodied the ugly American persona to a tee.”  U.S. Col. Thomas X. Hammes who oversaw the ‘new’ Iraqi military spoke regarding the effect Blackwater mercenaries had while guarding Bremer, “They made enemies everywhere… (and were) hurting our counterinsurgency effort.”  Hammes also said, “… they were doing their job, exactly what they were paid to do in the way they were paid to do it, and they were making enemies on every single pass out of town.”

Blackwater mercenaries earned $600 a day in Iraq.  When Bremer disbanded the Iraqi military in his de-Baathification efforts- 400,000 Iraqi troops and police lost their jobs.  Their families forced into poverty.   These men were paid about $50 a month.  Only a few got ‘severance’ of one month’s pay.   Bremer served in Iraq for less than a year.  During his tenure $9 billion in reconstruction funds were never accounted for.  That is $9 billion in U.S. tax dollars.  By October 2003 Blackwater was contracted as exclusive protection for U.S. Department of State and most U.S. officials, Scahill notes.

When U.S. Embassy spokesman Robert J. Callahan’s rode on his last tour of duty with a Blackwater convoy.   Blackwater fired into a Iraqi taxi that began slowing fifty feet from the convoy, killing a nineteen-year old passenger.  The two Blackwater men responsible lost their jobs and were sent home.  In May of 2004 Los Angeles Times, Christian Miller wrote that Blackwater, “… opened fire prematurely.” – Scahill.

Iraq was referred to by U.S. contractors and mercenaries as the “wild west.

One Blackwater mercenary ex-U.S. Navy Seal Ben Thomas used experimental bullets from a San Antonio company RBCD which were armor-piercing with limited penetration.   Inches inside a human body they shattered, creating untreatable wounds.  Thomas got the bullets from Arkansas based distributor Le Mas- writes Scahill.  After killing an Iraqi with one of the illegal cartridges, Thomas stated enthusiastically, “I’m taking Le Mas ammo with me when I return to Iraq, and I’ve already promised lots of this ammo to my buddies who were there that day and to their friends… I wouldn’t carry anything else.”  He then posted on his MySpace Web page:  “OSAMA BIN LADEN IS MY BITCH. And here is why (story of his use of illegal bullets,) Fu*ker wants me dead now.” 

Near the end of Bremer’s reconstructive year in Iraq, the country lay in ruins, but  mercenary companies reported “business was booming”  Scahill writes, “When a guy can make more money in one month than he can make all year in the military or in a civilian job, it’s hard to turn it down,” ex-Seal Dale McClellan a founder of Blackwater asserted.

Scahill emphasized, “The privatization of the occupation also offered a chance for many combat enthusiasts… stuck in the ennui of everyday existence, to return to their glory days on the battlefield under the banner of the international fight against terrorism.”   Many ex-military and police complained they had never gotten to shoot their guns during tours of duty; and were eager to have the  opportunity to use weapons in Iraq.   Dan Boelens, a fifty-five year old police officer said of his stint with Blackwater in Iraq that it was, “… the last chance in my life to do something exciting… I like the stress and adrenaline push it gives me.

Ex-U.S. Navy Seal and Hollywood stuntman Scott Helvenston, thought working for Blackwater there would be a possibility to finally see ‘action.’   Unfortunately Helvenston got upset that during classes at the Blackwater U.S. facility his instructor was giving out erroneous information.  When the ‘student’ spoke to his teacher about it, the Blackwater educator intimidated him; so Helvenston wrote an Email to Blackwater’s “President and Upper Management,” about unprofessionalism at their school.   Scahill writes, “It was the last e-mail Scott Helvenston would ever send.

Very soon thereafter he and three other ‘new’ Blackwater mercenaries were taking orders from the very same teacher in Iraq.  They were told to take sink fixtures to a Blackwater site.  On the way the four men were ambushed.  Against Blackwater policy the men were told to ride in two non-armored jeeps that did not have a proverbial third mercenary holding the machine gun, Scahill notes.

The picture of the bodies of four Blackwater mercenaries hanging from telephone poles on U.S. television; prompted radio news; and mainstream papers like the Chicago Tribune to lead with headlines proclaiming, “U.S. Civilians Mutilated in Iraq Attack.”   Which allowed the U.S. military to invade Iraq a second time.   The four men, God bless their mercenary souls… were hardly ‘civilians.’   Despite the two invasions no weapons of ‘mass destruction’ were ever found in Iraq.   Scahill writes the country was decimated.

Scahill- After the four mercenaries were killed, Chaplain D. R. Staton in his regular column of ‘Blackwater Tactical Weekly’  wrote:  “Make the enemy pay dearly for every action brought against us as we stand for liberty and justice!!!”   But whose liberty and justice?   (On January 5, 2005 families of the four mercenaries filed a wrongful death suit against Blackwater.)

Under Bush, Bremer put “… tens of thousands of Iraqi men of fighting age out of work and into resistance.”  While U.S. corporations’ in Iraq reaped “enormous profit;”  Iraqi citizens lived in poverty; “in squalor and insecurity.”

Religious leader Muqtada al-Sadr had always addressed his countrymen’s plight, under Saddam Hussein, and under U.S.’s Bremer.   Sadr provided food and education to two million residents in a Baghdad slum.  Sadr’s militia in August 2003 was five hundred Iraqi men.  In Bremer’s year in Iraq guarded by Blackwater, Sadr’s militia grew to ten thousand members by April 2004, Scahill writes.

On March 28, 2004, Bremer acted on his “Order 14” issuing commands from  Hussein’s Republican Palace compound, that allowed U.S. troops to kill the Al Hawza newspaper named for “… a thousand-year-old seminary…” noted Scahill.   Then Bremer had Sadr’s top deputy arrested; Sheikh Mustafa Yaqubi.

Five days later in Najaf, when eight Blackwater mercenaries commanded commanded a few U.S. Marines; a handful of their Blackwater troops from El Salvador on the roof of the U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority headquarters.    Scahill documents that Bush was now on record as having outsourced a ‘war.’   It was April 4, 2004 when all hell broke loose-  Twenty-five year old U.S. Marine Cpl. Lonnie Young noticed “… a small group of protesters out in the streets… (and) numerous coalition soldiers in ‘riot gear’ near the front gate.”   Young, had a M249 Squad Automatic Weapon.  Said Young, “Finally, the Blackwater Security guys gave the call (to) commence firing.” 

creep-license License.

Scahill-  U.S. Marine Young, and Blackwater mercenaries insisted the Iraqis began the battle.  But journalists wrote that those guarding the U.S. headquarters fired as protesters assembled.  One Blackwater contractor videotaped the event. Here are Blackwater excerpts from that video:

“Fu*kin’ ni**ers.”  Video camera pans to a Blackwater contractor smiling…  then cameraman asks a U.S. troop if his weapon feels hot from firing so many rounds into Iraqis in the street below: “That shit fu*kin hot, dude?”  Another voice remarks, “Hey, all these fu*kers right here…’  Someone responds, “Yeah, Mahdi ass!”  Scahill writes, someone yells, “Hey, get some!”  Minutes later… “We got a group of three.  They’re all runnin’ now… Wow, we’ve got lots of- see the guy in white?  He’s goin’ too fast- now they’re haulin’ ass…”  Then, “We got a big group comin’.  On the wall, squeezin’ off…” says man calmly… then someone says, “Wow, you got a whole group of ‘em.”  Minutes later voice alerts Blackwater that fifteen “bad guys” were “on the run;” Then: “He cleaned ‘em all out,” when fifteen Iraqis were hit.

Scahill-  When it was all over, Young stated, “I gazed over the streets with straining eyes, only to see hundreds of dead Iraqis lying all over the ground… Emptying magazine after magazine, I watched the people dressed in white and black robes drop to the ground as my sights passed by them.” 

“Blackwater later said that throughout the battle, its men tried to make contact with U.S. military commanders but were unsuccessful.”  –Writes Scahill.   On April 5, 2004 Bremer, “… officially labeled Mugtada al-Sadr an outlaw.

Days later a peace delegation that included medical doctors entered Baghdad.  One doctor stated, “Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw in Fallujah… There is no law on earth that can justify what the Americans have done to innocent people.”  U.S. journalists Dahr Jamail and Rahl Mahajan went to Fallujah with a humanitarian convoy.   Scahill records-  “Jamail said he saw one victim after another brought into the clinic, “nearly all of them women and children.”  Jamail called Fallujah “Sarajevo on the Euphrates.”

In the Mother Jones article of Oct. 9, 2007 “Making a Killing: A Blackwater Timeline” by Bruce Falconer:  The immunity Homeland Security gave Blackwater insured that the worst punishment any mercenary suffered was a slap on the hand.  “Even Andrew Moonen, the Blackwater operator who got drunk in the Green Zone last Christmas Eve and murdered one of the Iraqi vice president’s security guards, found a new job with Combat Support Services Associates, which put him back to work in Kuwait just two months after the shooting.  In the same article it was reported that on September 16, 2007,  “Seventeen Iraqis are killed and 24 wounded when Blackwater operators open fire in a traffic circle in central Baghdad.”

In The Nation, by Jeremy Scahill dated Sept. 15, 2010, “Blackwater’s Black Ops; outlines the wealthy clients that “… Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to … several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays… Blackwater’s work for corporations and government agencies was contracted using two companies … Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center, (TRC.)”   Do wealthy clients and their corporations (not  publicly mentioned,) use Blackwater security for services deemed even less legal than those mentioned in these published articles? 

In an AirForceTimes article of August 2, 2017 by Shawn Snow and Mackenzie Wolf, “Blackwater founder wants to boost the Afghan air war with his private air force,” Blackwater is referred to as- “the private military company.”   That the White House had considered as replacement for U.S. troops and equipment.

In October of 2017 the New York Times, NBC News, Fox News, and CNN reported  Erik Prince was asked to run for a U.S. Senate seat in Wyoming by Stephen K. Bannon.  If he does, Prince will be financially aided by billionaire Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah.   Prince is from Michigan, but had an address in Wapiti, Wyoming.

friendly-man.jpg One of my good ‘friends’.

Working on Blackwater review,  DEW targeting extremely painful.  Around home constant debilitating DEW hits without a break.  At the library during past week legs shook from DEW attacks when just sitting down at a computer terminal before turning it on.   Had to remove my shoes to ‘ground’ feet on the floor in public place.  Never  encountered such non-stop harsh targeting in public before.   In my home, yes.  Not out in public.  Evidently Springfield, MO gangstalkers told to DEW attack viciously with the hope the I stop reviewing book on Black Water security.

Sunday arrived early at Library Center in Springfield, Mo.  Targeted while waiting in car for library to open on a dead-end road.  By person in vehicle on top of hill.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today. Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them. I love you dear God. Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me. So be it. Amen.

Jeremy Scahill 2007

flowers that are elf height

In 2007 Blackwater received over $1 billion in U.S. tax dollars for government contracts, not including tax monies allocated for ‘black’ operations done in secret in the U.S. and globally.

2007, “Blackwater; The rise of the world’s most powerful mercenary army,” by Jeremy Scahill: is a well-documented story of how U.S. tax dollars have funded the largest mercenary army in modern history.  During the Gulf War in 1991, “One in ten people deployed in the war zone at that time was a private contractor…”   Scahill notes that Rumsfeld and Cheney were instrumental in creating Blackwater by funding it with U.S. tax dollars; through their desire to privatize not only the military but U.S. government as well.

Scahill notes Dan Briody in his book “The Halliburton Agenda:” “Year after year, from 1989 to 1993, the military budget shrank under Cheney.”   Cheney paid Brown and Root, (KBR) $3.9 million tax dollars, just to report on how to expand the Pentagon’s Logistics Civil Augmentation Program- thereby increasing Halliburtons and KBR’s own profits.   In 2001 Rumsfeld outlined at the Department of Defense a “road map for change,” and by 2003 when the U.S. invaded Baghdad there were 100,000 private contractors in Iraq.

Author Scahill, wonders if U.S. citizens have forgotten the wisdom of President Eisenhower when he said there were “grave implications” in the future for the escalation of a “military-industrial complex.”

What single man has profited $ billions from U.S. tax dollars?  Blackwater is owned by Erik Prince, a converted Catholic with right wing religious and political beliefs.  His company has an intelligence division and employs executives from ex-military and intelligence agencies administrators.  Scahill writes that, Prince got his break after 9-11 with Bush’s “global war on terror,” campaign.

Erik Prince and Alvin Krongard “…were good buddies,” a Blackwater executive is recorded as saying.   Author Scahill notes, Krongard headed the bank until 1998 that was “…allegedly responsible for the unusually high number of put options on United Airlines stock placed just before 9/11, options that were never collected.”  (No one has evidence of Krongard’s prior knowledge of the attacks, Scahill writes.)   It was Jamie Smith a former CIA agent who gave Prince the vision for Blackwater Security Consulting in 2002.   It was Krongard who suggested Blackwater be funded $5.4 million in U.S. tax dollars in a “… no-bid contract to provide twenty security guards for the Kabul (Afghanistan) CIA station…” in 2002.

Scahill writes, the Bush administration saw the mercenary market and privatization of the military as an “Alaskan Gold Rush.”   In that same vein, Paul Bremer, American diplomat in Iraq created “Order 17;” which immunized contractors from prosecution.   A private company like Blackwater, Scahill notes, is mostly unaccountable to U.S. taxpayers who totally fund them.  That means when massacres occur in the Middle East, or murders in the U.S. – by Blackwater associates there is no law that can touch them.

Wrote Scahill, “Blackwater has openly declared its forces above the law… (and) claimed immunity from civilian litigation in the United States, saying its forces are a part of the U.S. Total Force.   (Claiming,) … its forces operate under the legally impotent and unenforceable code of conduct written by its own trade association, ironically named the International Peace Operations Association.”    This immunity is the Pentagon’s failure to enforce laws over their new war machine.

In 2004 Prince created Greystone Limited a division of Blackstone on Barbados in the Caribbean- a tax exempt entity.  Greystone is known to draw recruits from countries where human rights violations are rampant; in Iraq, Chilean mercenaries fought for the U.S. government- some trained in Augusto Pinochet’s army.  Scahill notes qualifications for Blackwater employment include (among others) having skills of a sniper, explosive ordinance; and owning weapons such as an AK-47; M-4 carbine rifle; machine gun or shoulder-fired weapons, etc.

In 2005 Scahill writes, Prince required all Blackwater employees to solemnly state an “oath of loyalty”  supporting the U.S. Constitution, and to protect Blackwater’s national security-related clients- “…against all enemies, foreign and domestic… So help me God.”

During the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, Homeland Security hired each Blackwater mercenary at $950 a day to aid law enforcement.   ($950 U.S. tax dollars for each Blackwater associate, every day.)   Scahill makes it clear that Blackwater received $70 million in federal contracts involving Katrina.    How could those U.S. tax dollars have been spent among U.S. citizens effected by the devastation

At one point Scahill writes that he thinks it irresponsible of the free-press to refer to Blackwater associates as “civilian contractors or foreign reconstruction workers…”   Scahill believes Blackwater employees should be called what they are, “mercenaries.”  Interestingly Blackwater is supported religiously by the Pro Christian right.

In 2006 the Government Accountability Office determined that the U.S. Army and Air Force could not determine how many contractors worked for them, establishing once and for all the lack of authority over Blackwater mercenaries.

Scahill notes that Erik Prince sees himself heading the “armed wing” of the conservative, political right movement in the United States.  Regarding his U.S. and global reconstruction efforts for democracy and Christianity, Prince once said, “Everybody carries guns, just like Jeremiah rebuilding the temple in Israel- a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other.”   Prince knows there could be a confrontation between “church and state” in the U.S. in a “morally justified revolution.”   Scahill- Erik Prince has stockpiled the largest private collection of weapons in the United States.

Prince defines Blackwater as the best global security force today.   Security being the operative word.   Prince believes his company specifically frees up U.S. defense forces for combat.   Blackwater’s 7,000 acre Moyock, North Carolina headquarters, Scahill writes is, “… the world’s largest private military facility,” training law enforcement and government troops by the tens of thousands each year.   Including troops from ‘friendly’ nations.

In 2007 Blackwater had 2,300 mercenaries working for the U.S. government in nine countries… including the United States.  And Scahill notes, a “… database of 21,000 former Special Forces troops, soldiers, and retired law enforcement agents whom it could call at a moment’s notice.”   Will continue book review from page 109 in next blog.

Got to thinking about that $950 a day of U.S. federal tax dollars….   After working forty years, over forty hours each week and doing the work of 2-3 people each day.  After working for my former employer twenty years and being let go for work injuries.  After twenty years was making $14 an hour.

To be stalked starting in 2012 and targeted starting in 2016 for standing up for myself…  In comparison to the $950; receive $1,000 a month, for which am sincerely and eternally grateful for the Social Security benefits I paid for with federal taxes put in for disability.  This time I have now is precious to recover and heal, so it is ironic to be soft-killed each and every moment with directed energy weapons breaking down my body with remote directed microwave torture, remote directed radio wave rape, remote acoustic weapons searing brain and ears and remote radar weapons…

Today the targeting with directed electromagnetic weapons (DEWs) on stomach and lower back has caused excessive bleeding from rectum.   Eat plenty of organic vegetables and whole grains- the only cause of the bleeding which has never happened before… would be the constant assaults with hand-held DEWs by gangstalkers.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today. Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them. I love you dear God. Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me. So be it. Amen.

DEWs in Springfield, MO

friend secured area with chicken wire

After a friend put up chicken wire on opening in privacy fence- whole-house-directed energy weapons assault from north began again.   (The whole-house DEW unit causing magnetic danger levels of 7-9 set on 0-3 magnetic had plummeted by half and stayed down since the night before the October 3, 2017 Civilian Police Review Board hearing-  first time since June 2016. )    However on October 31, 2017 chicken wire stopped easy access of same ‘neighbor’ to target with hand-held DEW’s against home.    That night danger levels from whole-house-DEW unit started up again.   In guest bedroom where helpful friend was sleeping and in kitchen levels highest- all electricity off when reading EMFs.   But dangerous magnetic frequencies once again ran along entire north side of home.

Whole house directed energy weapons unit assault began on the south side of  home in June of 2016.  This consistently 24/7 high dangerous rate of magnetic frequencies in home environment along with the targeting at night outside on roof by gangstalkers in invisibility suits using hand-held DEW’s caused severe injuries, and brain concussion.

Was so ill, TI had to move bed to the north of home in 2016, and stop living in the south rooms occupied since moving into home in 1995.  Still targeted in north rooms by hand-held DEW’s many times during day, and always at night.   Both whole-house-DEW-unit and hand-held DEW’s used together since  June of 2016.  Danger readings recorded are from the whole-house-DEW unit.

When the Urichs moved away.  They vacated the south rental; but their equipment was given to a north ‘neighbor.’   Actually saw Urich’s in their car in the north drive for the first time the day after they had ‘moved away.’   With them a large truck that delivered Urich’s machinery.  North rental’s basement windows were papered over same day machinery delivered.   After that- the ability to use kitchen as living space stopped.

Sizzled each time entering kitchen and dreaded going in to make meals.  The minute food cooked on stove- left kitchen to eat in center hall of home.   Food now stored in bed rooms and closets so as not to get ‘cooked’ inside cans and boxes in kitchen cabinets.   Once whole house unit moved into north rental; put bed in middle of the house.

After twelve months of inability to use kitchen as living space- the night before appearing October 3, 2017 before the Civilian Police Review Board the magnetic frequency on EMF reader dropped by half.    Instantly targeting with hand-held DEW’s became much worse- and hand-held remote DEW rape and interrogation began.

Whole body no longer sizzles going into kitchen, but specific body parts shake while TI prepares meals.   Head injuries, constant heart palpitations, left arm and knee injuries, stomach trauma and remote DEW rape increased tenfold after Oct. 3, 2017 from hand-held DEWs and BCI.

With chicken wire put up, the gangstalkers using hand-held DEW’s gangstalkers will now have to walk around privacy fence to target.  Guess they don’t like walking around fence… could get photographed.


Woody Norris the multi-billionaire of American Technology Corporation or ATC, is the inventor of  hypersonic and sonic sound devices.  -Just some of the DEWs used today by gangstalkers inside US borders, around the globe and in Cuba 2017.   ATC is based in San Diego, California- like most corporations inventing, developing and producing directed energy weapons, and invisibility suits used to experiment on nonconsensual U.S. citizens, (diplomats and other officials.)

ATC receives millions of tax payer dollars each year in government and military contracts in United States.   Which makes it interesting that our Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) funded by U.S. tax dollars; is ‘confused’ as reported in main stream newspapers as to what effected the health of our U.S. diplomats in Cuba.   The FBI claims not to know of any weapon in existence that could be cause the diplomats ‘health attacks‘.  The FBI does not and never has acknowledged the existence of TIs within the borders of U.S.

on-floor-by-front-door.jpg On floor of front hall where no electricity exists or is on.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today. Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them. I love you dear God. Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me. So be it. Amen.

‘Invisibility’ in Photos


Many of photos turn up quite a lot of  abnormal light configurations all over yard during DEW attacks.  A north ‘neighbor’s’ perfectly good glass window was broken and the wood ‘cross’ between the four panes: gutted one night a year ago, on their garage.  Why?  For easy access?  To DEW target from?  Now has a wooden chair at table- and plywood placed over gravel floor for table stability,  (a few feet  from where a TI sleeps.)  This photo also reveals streak of energy in upper right corner of photo.

Went out around midnight to take pictures due to extreme attacks with directed energy weapons, microwave and radar wave weapons four days in a row.  Caused extreme physical illness from danger level radiation attacks.   Below left early morning see light ‘movement’ across front of privacy fence.  Is this light reflecting off invisibility-suited-coward running away?    Photo far right, another light is shown in right upper corner.  Reader needs to push on picture to see them properly.

In part of yard where photos taken that night is where my big dog was fed something to keep her busy while whoever was targeting jumped over the fence.   This dog hates the dark and will come in fast at night when let out to relieve herself.  When she would not come in for twenty minutes, went out to see her eating something on the ground.  Brought her inside where saw that her stomach was engorged.  By food given to her by those DEW attacking?  So she would not attack them so they could leave my yard?   Her stomach was so extended from whatever they fed her, that she also did not eat her morning bowl of food.

Below is photo of bag placed in yard night before last.   Picked drawstring bag from around a yucca plant without seeing writing.   Half way to trash can read the bag.   “Infectious Waste; BIOHAZARD.”   Any effort to intimidate, harass and attack a targeted individual’s way of life in Springfield, Missouri…   Many cowardly people with nothing to do but get paid to destroy the good life of one person.   Gangstalkers who confess what they do, say that they are given homes, or cars as gifts for a job well done


The Urich’s got a home.  Others cars…

One targeted individual wrote me in an email… “The fight for globalization in brain computer interfaced societies today is an effort to erase or delete computer viruses.   Our human brains are organic computers that can have ‘viruses.’  What constitutes a virus in a human brain?   THINKING.  Knowing truth.  A person is a virus who is not in the program.”  God bless this TI.

Free thinkers who can read and speak or write the facts are stalked, intimidated, harassed, have their privacy invaded by gangstalkers.   All targeted individuals question “Why is this happening… how can so many people be watching and following me?”  When a TIs behavior is not modified by ‘gangstalking’ then the person becomes targeted with directed energy weapons.

The Springfield, Missouri Police Department does not believe DEW’s exist.   What would the U.S. diplomats stationed in Cuban who are targeted individuals think about the SPDs ignorance of the facts?  When will SPD Chief Paul Williams, and Captain Pennington of the Springfield, Mo. Fire department educate themselves and their associates to the technological advancements in weapons today?

(See June 19, 2019 ‘Thank you Mr. Schowengerdt’ at targetedartistpoet to see the affidavit the inventor of the invisibility suit wrote for me.)  And (‘See Cyber-Springfield, MO from targetedartistpoet March 7, 2020 for photos of Mr. Schowengerdt in the metal-lined kitchen of my home.)

According to Dr. Schowengerdt, a power source can be positioned anywhere for devices providing energy supply, information, coordinates for targeting weapons- using invisibility suits.

From Robert Guffey’s book “Chameleo;”  Richard N. Schowengerdt submitted first patents in 1994 for invisibility suits #US5307162 and US9557547.   The inventor remarked about a concealed power source, “ If you’re further than seven hundred feet you can do a very decent job of camouflage, even on a moving target…”   Guffey and Schowengerdt spoke of the Army’s Future Soldier program, where they publicize invisibility suits as having a “… skin that will blend into the background in a chameleon fashion…”    Schowengerdt noted of the Army’s suit,  “I can only assume that it’s related to some kind of a sensor that would sense the background and then display it on the skin, on the uniform… you regenerate a signal or some kind of a deception- deceptive signal…”  Schowengerdt worked at Defense Contract Management Agency in El Segundo, California for seventeen years at time of interview.  In his words DCMA watches military contractors globally and in U.S.

Regarding assaulting U.S. citizens with invisibility suits and DEW’s?   Schowengerdt said, “To target one person… you would have to know exactly where the person is that you want to deceive.  You’d have to know their coordinates exactly in order to do that… to pin-point where people are by geographical coordinates, and then we can, in the simulation system, screen those people, or select those people to be targeted….”  He further noted, “True invisibility would give someone great power.” 

Guffey, Schowengerdt and Fuller believe the company SAIC in San Diego, California-probably produced invisibility suits.  Regarding when produced?  One needs look no further than Hollywood the three men agreed.   Colonel Corso, of the U.S Army was Special Assistant to Lt. General Arthur Trudeau who headed Army Research and Development in 1947 during Roswell cover-up in New Mexico.  “Colonel Corso said, “The disclosure is the cover-up, and the cover-up is the disclosure.”   In other words you release the truth in the form of fiction.” – Thank you author Robert Guffey.

Ex-CIA Robert Duncan reported in “Project: Soul Catcher, that CIA authorities and Hollywood have worked hand in hand to feed U.S. citizens what the government wants them to know, when they want them to know it; through movies.   By labeling a movie as science fiction, you disinform the viewer.  There is only science fact.   Duncan said CIA’s mind-control programs named after movies and books to confuse targeted victims, and if they tell authorities what is happening to them, using a movie to describe events: the TI is suffering mental break down and is locked away.  

The children’s book used to describe what is happening in our world today- is the awarded 1962 “A Wrinkle in Time,” by Madeleine L’Engle.   This acclaimed story is ranked number 22 in American Library Association’s 100 most banned books for 1990-2000.

In Robert Guffey’s book “Chameleo,” he notes that friend Dion Fuller was assaulted by invisibility suited cowards, “… if somebody does know something, says something publicly, people will think, “Oh, he got that from The Outer Limits.”    Schowengerdt (inventor of invisibility suit) replied, “Yeah, right, right.”    Guffey said the movie Predator (showing an invisible attacker) came out around 1987, (as a time line for when invisibility suits might have been first produced.)   To date no military agency has funded Schowengerdt’s patents, but the Army admitted to testing invisibility suits on battlefields in the past decade and the Navy works with SAIC on cloaking suits.    Before U.S. News blackout on invisibility suits… journalists and reporters described cloaking using movies Predator and Harry Potter to make science-reality understandable.

photo-of-eyes-on-wall-in-springfield-mo-home-of-targeted-individual-sent-to-me-not-visible-without-camera-picture  Photo taken by a TI and former resident of Springfield, MO.  TI was DEW targeted and physically attacked in his home on west side of Springfield, MO before he fled in 2016, and moved to Maine.  In Maine there are laws against DEWs.  His photo shows holographic image of eyes on wall above his religious icons on table in TIs home.   This TI felt gangstalkers wanted him to know they were always watching.  He said, “All the ‘neighbors’ in surrounding homes,”  suddenly began stalking and targeting him after he was placed on federal disability.   This TI notified Springfield Police Department immediately of the crimes committed, but remarked in bitterness that the SPD, “Never did a thing.”

Guffey and Schowengerdt talked about holographic photographic projections some TI’s like Dion Fuller endured.  Schowengerdt said,  “You could actually create things that are so goofy that they (TI) would begin to wonder what’s going on…”  Saying there was a “…psychological warfare aspect” of targeting.   Schowengerdt confirmed to TI- Dion Fuller present during the interview- “You could have been used as a test subject or something.” 

One TI told me yesterday… “Past two weeks targeting outside home by gangstalkers with hand-held DEW’s localized on heart and head of TI in home.  Left arm numb, in pain after laying down at night.  Heart RACES for hours when sleep even attempted.  Last night tortured none stop, was finally able to rise at 3pm in afternoon so injured and exhausted.   Also long needle-like-pain into right knee one night and left knee last night.   Nano particles injected via C02 propulsion?  Smell of CO2 in air.  And cold.”  God bless this TI.

hacking  This week a librarian told me they never saw the page brought up when tried to access WordPress. 

Thank goodness for Springfield, Missouri librarians.  

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today.  Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them.  I love you dear God.  Thank you God for guiding, and protecting family, friends, territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me.  So be it.  Amen.