
If you Google ‘Targeted Individuals Europe’  TI “Symptoms” a picture of eye whites  cooked in home by directed energy weapons are bright pink in color.   Photo caption read… ‘The most visible and common TI-symptom, especially in the first stages when the attacks are uncontrollable and the body has not coped with them yet, are the red eyes.’  Months ago a family member pointed out own pink/red eyes.   Sleep under a table lined with sheets of metal, pots and pans on top which sometimes shake, clanging together all night under DEW attack from roof.    See the Guardian Newspaper’s April 2016 article on ‘Military ‘invisibility cloaks’ could breach Geneva conventions.’  Am always pleased to know am backed up on what is happening…  because have seen men dressed in invisibility suits outside home.

Stomach targeted all last night, morning and day.  Ill, exhausted, hurt.

Serial murderers- another name for DEW targeters… murder by mind-controlled-suicide, murder by accident and murder by natural causes.  Most of the gangstalkers  are white, many parents: who work publicly with children at their side.  Most are white vets, white single people.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.


At, Renee Pittman Books writes, ‘…since post 9/11 law enforcement and military practice legalized nonconsensual testing operations with extreme low frequency radio waves for covert mass, and social population control. Using highly advanced psycho-physical, psychological electronic mind invasive technology in an ongoing program.”   Pittman Books supplies a drawing of a woman’s body and the effects directed energy weapons (DEWs) have on various body parts.

She notes the first unclassified successful transmission of the human voice to skull was performed by Dr. Joseph Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1974.   Pittman Books writes that a U.S. Patent #5356368 dated Oct. 18, 1994 is a ‘Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness.’  This device uses pre-recorded brain waves (brainwave frequency following response) that forces your mind to follow those brain wave patterns and feel what you are told to feel.

Pittman Books also writes about remote EMF torture and manipulation done to her.  Noting the ‘slow bending almost 90 degrees backwards’ of her toes and fingers…   (Oddly this same thing happened at the FedEx Office on Glenstone Ave. in Springfield, Missouri September 2016, when copying reports about being targeted by former employer of twenty years.    My hands began to curl backwards on their own at 90 degree angles without pain- till fingernails of both hands resting flat top of arm, palms facing ceiling.   A ‘customer’ who entered FedEx Office after I arrived was sitting at one of their computers watching and smiling.

-When both hands started bending backwards in a position never  consciously able to do- immediately clasped them together and shoved hands between body and the counter -so they could not move and lay flat until remote DEW manipulation stopped.

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) has been operational since the early 1990’s.    In the New York Times newspaper Dec. 11, 1984  an article by Walter Sullivan it mentions ‘spread-spectrum’ sound transmission conceals radar or communications.’   So a sound, or signal ‘distributed over a mixture of frequencies can be intercepted only by a receiver tuned to that mixture.

April of 2009, the site ‘The World Vision Portal Forum’ by Gnosty  reported that U.S. Patent #5159703 ‘Silent Subliminal Presentation System‘ was ready for commercial use in 1992.   This device ‘simply allows for the implantation of specific thoughts, emotions and prescribed physical actions into unsuspecting human beings.’    Turning humans into ‘mere puppets.’  Gnosty writes, ‘whoever controls this technology literally has the power to control the minds of… all men and women everywhere.’

All televisions across the U.S. and Canada supposedly went 100% digital as of 2009, which Gnosty records would allow unrestricted use of the SSSS frequencies called the ‘sound of silence.’  It is ‘subliminal mind-altering technology so extreme and incomprehensible…‘ (people are) ‘...reduced to the level of compliant children and grateful to be alive in the wake of mind-wrenching experiences.’    Gnosty believes when ‘the shadow rulers’ decide to flip the switch to take over North America, they won’t need Army troops… as every radio, T.V. (computer, cell phone, iPod, tablet,) and satellite broadcast ‘will accomplish the job without a shot ever being fired.’

Last week upon arriving at Thanksgiving destination up north, unloaded car.  Took eleven trips into friend’s apartment, up flight of steps.  On the second trip down see man run from beige truck.  Once inside, his truck alarm turns on.  I take a bag inside and his truck alarm turns off.   Come outside for another bag and the truck alarm turns on.   Go inside and truck alarm turned off.  So was my welcome by gangstalkers in St. Louis, MO  the entire time unloading car.

Because I have chosen to retain my sense of humor, it was hard not to laugh out loud.  But stopped not wanting to alert the gangstalker working so hard to traumatize me- that I found him pathetic and cowardly.   My laughter may cause him to hurt me later in the night with intense remote EMFs.   After all his purpose welcoming  me was to convey that I would be targeted during visit.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.  Thank you God for bringing the Network into the light for justice and bringing the Network down to conquer them.  I love you God.  So be it, Amen.

Guinea Pigs

December 9, 2014,   Dr. Daniel Lebowitz  a medical doctor   presented to a Senate Hearing, The State of Civil and Human Rights in the United States.”   Documenting the targeting of individuals in the U.S. ‘undergoing modern versions of COINTELPRO and MK-ULTRA combined,‘  saying these programs are torture/trauma based brainwashing and mind-control  using secret forms of ‘repression, persecution and psychological warfare‘ on ‘regular people‘ in the United States.  He believes the ‘political abuse of psychiatry has been carried out… as a way to torture and discredit dissidents…. in unethical non-consensual human experimentation… with advanced directed energy and psychotronic weapons systems… in the most vicious… political control of dissidents, activists, whistleblowers, agitators and so-called “undesirables” that the world has ever seen.’

Jimmy Carter 39th U.S. President, in 2002 won the Nobel Peace Prize.  On June 24, 2012 his article in the New York Times Newspaper, ‘A Cruel and Unusual Record,’ noted assassinations of Americans and human right’s violations have occurred in U.S. since 9/11.  (Wonder what he would say about the targeting of individuals today?)  He claims the U.S. can no longer address world governments with any moral authority.  In 1948 the United States adopted the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights.’  Carter wrote, ‘It is disturbing that, instead of strengthening these principles, our government’s counter terrorism policies, now clearly violate at least 10 of the declaration’s 30 articles, including the prohibition against “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”   In 2012 Carter noted U.S. laws  violated civil rights and human rights like freedom of expression, and presumed innocence until proven guilty.  Carter noted current laws allowed  warrantless wiretapping and government electronic communications surveillance.

Poem: “After meditation- sometimes go outside to commune with God’s creation.  Trees always say, ‘Look up.’  See their branches reaching to the sky, note the color of heavens, feel wind and cold. And hear… “If you surround yourself with beauty nothing can touch you.’   Native American’s believe the word ‘beauty’ interchangeable with ‘God.’  In that transcendent moment understand what is needed.  But then go back in home and DEW targeting exists 24/7.   Wisdom of Tree is profound.   Rumi’s poems are profound, about meeting ‘in fields beyond right and wrong’.  But was Rumi ever tortured?  Have TI’s homes become prison cells we flee daily?”

Maximilian Kolbe, a saint- transcended torture in Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp by venerating Mother Mary.  Kolbe was interned because he fed Jewish people.  The saint took the place of one prisoner willingly.  This prisoner had a wife and children.  Kolbe willingly entered an  underground bunker to be starved to death with ten other prisoners.  According to guards he was either standing or kneeling the entire ten days and was the sole survivor.   When the door was opened- he did not resist when lethally injected but offered his arm, unafraid of death.  The Nazis went ahead anyway, and killed the man with a family.

It has been four years and five months of gangstalking in Springfield, MO.

It has been five months of directed energy weapons attack.  Keep positive, but if reflect on future, want to flee, sell my home which is paid for and ‘save’ myself.    People are forced to question reality when they hear what is happening me.  This is the saddest part of being targeted.  It is knowing those who love me are in pain for me, because they CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO HELP STOP WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Do not blame the victim by fearing what the truth they and experience.

After reporting to appropriate ‘authorities’ on city, state and federal levels for assistance, (which was denied,) wrote two relatives in the military- most of large and patriotic family has been in the military at one time or another.  One graduated West Point, the other was in nuclear Navy.  Hoped they could somehow stop what was happening to me.  Instead, both sent condolences, one however in the Navy is aware of the TI program but says nothing.

Gangstalkers are so sure of themselves and have great pride and ownership in their subjects who they ‘soft kill.’  The whole situation  is improbably to say the least.  Even as they are slowly murdering involuntary human subjects millions of Americans are asleep to what is happening under their noses.

They say God never gives us anything harder than we can handle.  The German saying, ‘What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger,’ goes along with that idea.    Everything is for a reason, this I know.  And life is not a destination but a journey…  very true.

After going around town and giving a report about gangstalking to Springfield, MO shop owners-  security makes itself known in all store shopping in… TI’s are slandered.   Haven’t gone yet to the Springfield Police Department to file a report about gangstalking and DEW’s.  According to other Springfield, MO TIs, in the past they were all put in psych evaluation.

One Springfield TI said, “If you mention any form of EMF danger in your home, break-ins or stalking… the crime victim is categorized as a ‘person of interest’ in SPD incident reports and attempts are made to put the TI into psych evaluation.”

Barry Trower has a degree in physics specializing in microwaves.  He is an outspoken critic of,  ‘…abuses carried out with electromagnetic weapons.’   His revelations are based on science.   Yet, the media is not reporting anything he says.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.  I love you God.


Had a good Thanksgiving.  Back home. last night man runs on roof to let me know they are there at 8 pm.   Stomach so fried, felt like would vomit…     Before leaving to visit relatives, directed energy weapon used two nights in a row, made space around me in six foot radius about 20 degrees.  Breathe blew out white in plumes, in home, inside metal enclosure in warm kitchen.   Sat up on cot, turned on flashlight, saw thin white film of frost on metal roofing sheets around me.  –Smelled frosty cold CO2.  Same smell from canisters used in BB-gun.   After freezing-DEWs used, what felt like ‘pins’ were inserted like needles deep into tissue of stomach, center top of head, on arms and legs about 1-2 inches.  At the time thoughtCO2 propelling/forcing nanoparticles into body… didn’t understand.   These nano particles can contain receivers or transmitters.  If injected into me with the CO2 makes sense.

Woke this morning having been told in sleep…   “Just as human ‘eggs’ are frozen in liquid nitrogen- whatever was ‘frozen’ in the microwave weapon they dragged heavily on the roof that night was ‘injected’ via CO2 propulsion via directed energy weapons. ”  How much fun is that?

When visiting in St. Louis, MO. three days during Thanksgiving, was DEW attacked entire time.  Sitting in living room in large apartment complex, friend facing away towards TV-  raised a third finger against wall behind me at next apartment.  Heard expletives through wall and discussion about how I knew they were gangstalkers.

Asked  friend next day, who lived in apartment next door?  They said many young men and women “come and go”.  OK.   Saw two of them coming into building.  A very tall, bearded man and a tiny woman.  The look she gave when I said, ‘Happy Thanksgiving…’ was one of superiority and pity.   The man tried to smile but failed.

The nanotechnology used today is on the scale of atoms and molecules.  The head of a pin is a million nanometers wide.  Ten hydrogen atoms end to end, span one nanometer.  A strand of human hair is about 100,000 nanometers in diameter.  Nanotechnology is the research of anything under 100 nanometers big- or one billionth of a meter.  In 2015 nanotechnology was a $1 trillion industry.   This is quantum mechanics used in inhumane, involuntary human experimentation.  On November 26-28 2016 in Tezpur, India there was an International Conference on Light and Light based Technologies dealing with nanophotonic, plasmonic and metamaterials.  This technology is not only used in ‘invisibility suits’ but medical research and other areas as well.   India is a nation most advanced in their research and production of directed energy weapons.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.  I love you God.


During WWI radio signals were successfully jammed by France and Great Britain.   Today jamming with electromagnetic frequencies is illegal in the U.S.  Jamming individuals targeted with directed energy weapons (DEWs) is still illegal though there are no laws saying so.  But TIs are ‘jammed’ anyway as involuntary human experimental subjects in a retribution program.  This classified program utilizes nano-bio warfare agents, DEWs/BCI to mind control, computer interface, manipulate, poison, and control the brain and body of each TI.

Targeted individuals must understand only protection comes from our brains.  Don’t read books about or watch science fiction movies.  Just know God gave us the power within ourselves- of dominion over all evil.  If we chose to use the Created-In-God’s-Image-Power inside all of us, we could prevail over any man-made weapon!

Tinnitus is a medical condition where high pitched ringing/buzzing occurs in ears.   Unless you hit your head severely or endured an explosion impacting ears, tinnitus is a symptom of brain computer interface.   Woke up with this affliction at age 23 after gathering signatures to put issue on ballot to stop construction of nuclear power plants unless high level national radioactive waste repository built first to store the uranium rods.  –To this day all nuclear power plants store their waste on site in what are called ‘swimming pools’.

For thirty-six years have been a targeted individual.

Interestingly enough in 1980 when tinnitus started, (after Three Mile Island nuclear reactor melted down) had peacefully walked in a long line of good people protesting construction of the Calloway, Missouri  Nuclear Power Unit.   Many TIs have tinnitus, it is an injury of implant/chip… DEW attack and BCI.

Was member of peaceful, law-abiding Missourians for Safe Energy.  Good citizens  stopped from embarrassing $multibillion corporations by harassment, intimidation and BCI,  brain computer interface.  DEW targeting hurts a person’s head like pressure under water, vibrations or headache.   Magnetic waves in danger levels mind control.  Perhaps with a little mind control a good citizen can forget about changing the world for the better, and making wealthy angry?

‘The EveryDay Concerned Citizen,’ by Ramola D posted 11-9-2016.  Ramola D. posted about the genius Dave Case .  Case was reported to have invented an electronic counter measure for Tinnitus and offered it free at that time.  Ramola D. wrote, “To contact Dave Case for more information or for a copy of his CD to counter tinnitus, please send him a text message with your name and mailing address at 573-300-1579.”  –Thank you Ramola D. The EverydayConcerned Citizen.

Contacted Case, and receivedCD  in the mail.  Went out before the stores closed and bought the 24,000 kHz pair of earphones he suggested.  Mine were made by Sony bought at Best Buy in Springfield, Missouri on Glenstone Avenue.   Listened to the CD for tinnitus all night on repeat during horrendous DEW attack (with ‘freezing’ energy waves which really, really hurt.)   Attempted sleep through some of it, woke freezing and shaking.   But continued listening all night to the CD.  David Case is an angel.  In the morning a TIs brain was sharp as a tack.

The CD sounds like scratching.  Or like electronic static-not pleasant audio.  But to  individuals consistently 24/7 DEW targeted – it is the sweetest music of all time.

Started rereading ‘The Wrinkle In Time’ by Madeleine L’Engle published in l963.  About three children and their father a physicist who traveled the universe by tesseracting a fifth dimensional space inside himself.   (The dictionary describes ‘tesseract’ as defying space and time. )  

The children’s father becomes trapped on a planet where a giant computer in the Central Intelligence Building’ controls everything.  But in the Central-Central Intelligence Building’ a grotesque disembodied brain controls the computer.

People on this  planet are subjugated through electric shock/frequency assault to reprogram them when they make mistakes.  Eventually pain and brain computer interface conforms each inhabitant into a perfect citizen.  All citizens melded with everyone else- in a mass mind controlled a master brain-computer.  No one is different, everyone the same, controlled, not thinking outside the lines. This homogenization creates an unquestionably ‘normal’ living environment where everything is perfect.  No one left out.  Everyone is HAPPY.

Why does Hollywood create movies like the Matrix which refer to brain computer interface and label them as science fiction?  Elon Musk believes ‘earth’ is a computer simulation.  According to Ex-CIA Robert Duncans’ book, ‘Project Soul Catcher;’ the CIA works closely with Hollywood to turn  science reality into science fiction to keep the U.S. public unaware of technological advances being covertly and remotely used against them.  

According to Robert Duncan, Hollywood works with the CIA to bring disinformation to U.S. citizens through movies.

Do not have internet on personal computer and go to the library to blog, and read emails.   It is just my opinion… but believe David Case’s CD not only erases mind control programing but makes AI access impossible.   David Cases’ CD  is wonderful.

God bless you readers and Happy Thanksgiving.   Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.   Thank you God for David Case.  I love you God.


Last night  different DEW used.  Never experienced ‘freezing,  pin-poking’ electrocution energy before.   Targeting feet and hip joints. Pretty specific.  Up all night with it.   Usually feel overheated when they start targeting at night with microwave weapons.

Whatever weapon was used could hear it being dragged around on roof.  Evidently heavier, made of metal.   Do these people not have lives, that they must destroy the lives of others?   Why are our tax dollars spent devising bizarre energy weapons?  Weapons used illegally on citizens, when our schools barely scrap by?

Two nights earlier during prayer stopped to address the coward on the roof asking why he didn’t ‘have anything better to do with his time?‘   Sometimes they make it hard to keep attention on prayer without getting frustrated and angry due to repeating over and over till prayer said correctly.  Looking up at ceiling saw dime-sized concentric circles of transparent  blue with red edges move towards me and dissipating.   OK.  Understood was actually ‘seeing’ the electromagnetic energy hit cornea and cause damage.   Quickly looked away.

Thank you dear God for everything exactly the way it is today.  I love you God.


At you can read an archived article entitled ‘What is Gang Stalking?’  The Unknown-Author writes that it has nothing to do with gangs.  But is official domestic counterintelligence, by federal and intelligence agents, contractors- many times performed by state and local law enforcement.  Unofficial gangstalking is conducted by private investigators and vigilantes, on behalf of corporate clients and the security industry perpetrating ‘disruption’ of the individual’s life by severe psychological, social and financial efforts.   In East Germany this is referred to as Zersetzung- (decomposition or corrosion of the victim.)  Unknown-Author writes, ‘American and British victims describe the process as ‘no-touch torture’- a phrase which also captures the nature of the crime: cowardly, unethical (and often illegal), but difficult to prove legally, because it generates minimal forensic evidence.’ 

This Unknown Author’s, ‘Fight Gang Stalking’ notes… ‘slander, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in the workplace), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying.’  -Are all forms of crime committed against targeted individuals.

Personal and corporate vendettas are common. ‘It is psychological terrorism’, the author writes.  Gang stalking is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment.    Violating the Fourth Amendment prohibiting unwarranted searches, the Sixth Amendment guaranteeing right to trial, and prohibited by criminal codes in every state.

In the URbanDICTIONARY under the definition of ‘gang stalking’ the word was used in a sentence…   ‘To get some revenge we had Joe stalked, mobbed and harassed 24/7, the gang stalking never stopped.  We had him followed, cut off, we bugged his house, made the guy think he was going loco, crazy.  We really messed with him till he was broken.’  (I love someone that this exact same thing happened too. )                                        

All yesterday targeted while cleaning house but did it anyway.  Left home to grocery shop at night fall. Targeted in store by a man who kept walking past.  Then he stopped ten feet from me.  His jacket parted to show a  holstered gun.  OK.  This guy’s intimidation tactics were so obvious, it was funny.   Will laugh until they kill me.   As for going home, did not after being targeted at home all day.     Drove around for a while.  (Used to run in my car and sometimes sleep in my car all night for months in the beginning of targeting- thinking could get away from these cowards.)

Quickly saw two cars following.  Stopped to park for a while and instantly the two black-windowed, black cars drove by couple times.  Circled and drove by again. One an SUV, the other sedan.   No matter where I drove these same cars arrived after parking.   Just smiled.  You have to have a good attitude to put up with these cowards who hide in cars.  You have to laugh at cowards in ‘neighbors’ rental houses, and cowards in grocery stores with their illegal DEWs in pockets, and visible handguns hanging on their belts.  Once home, entire night shook from heavy targeting, and at one point thought would die.   (When think I’m going to die immediately talk to God and feel at peace even though still shaking and sizzling.)   The cowards stopped half way through morning meditation.   Spent the morning praying and cleaned a little more.  Attitude is everything.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.  I love you God.


After writing about meditating last two days: was targeted specifically on face and neck while sitting cross legged this morning.  My ‘OM-ing’ was diminished due to constant DEW vocal chords attack.  Teeth became achy, and eyes felt swollen from vibration of electromagnetic waves centering on stomach.  Never will stop writing, stop thinking, and stop talking about what is happening.  Not as long as alive.

Again went out back last night with a baseball bat and invited cowards on roof, in invisibility suits to come down.  Heard two people run up roof afraid of a sixty year old woman.    They are criminals.  They are not working to protect national security.   Instead they are experimenting with illegal military weapons on an unsuspecting public.    

Took out a $2,000 loan today to cover costs to repair sabotage of car. Do not want to take car back to the large auto shop where six mechanics stared with hostility at me in their garage.  They stood talking in huddle in hushed tones, under raised vehicle six feet off floor. The car has a warranty to cover repair there, but don’t want more damage done.

We all leave energy trails.  Dogs can track the smells of the odor molecules we leave all around us.  Spirits can track energy trails people leave throughout time and space.   Archangel Michael can track any gangstalker’s energy through time and space for the crime of taking free will from mankind.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.  I love you God.


There has always been a war against good and evil on this planet.  Sounds very old fashioned but true.  Our human souls survive after our flesh dies.  Those physically dead and brought back to ‘life’ with modern technology,  talk about feeling ‘solid’ as a spirit, though they can walk through our walls and send thought messages directly into the minds of physical family members without speaking.  Near Death Experiencers (NDEs) see demons and angels on the other side and often continue seeing phenomenon once back in their bodies- because of being in a state of higher frequency.

If a human’s electromagnetic pulse emitted a high enough frequency while living in physical body,  it would stop any DEW targeting by removing that human EMP from the level of existence they were formerly living on.

Egyptian kings were not allowed to rule unless first placed into a sealed sarcophagus for a certain amount of time.  They all died and were ‘brought back.’   Ancient priests found the exact time of resurrection after death so life could begin again.  These Pharaoh’s other-worldly knowledge benefited the masses they ruled.

In ‘Closer to the Light” by Melvin Morse and Paul Perry, a great book about modern day near death experiences.  The cult of Osiris is briefly mentioned as the purposeful practice of near death experiences in ancient Egypt. The priests and Pharaohs performing this ritual were told, ‘No man escapes death… you go into the tomb alive and you will learn of the light.’  Free will being the law of our planet, the battle over subjugation of humans is reaching a crescendo.   Knowledge of the divine is precious protection. The ability to alter ones state of being with a higher frequency is priceless.

Last night was so bad, ended up staggering to sit in meditation this morning to control the terrible energy waves debilitating me all night into dawn.   Shaking and sizzling none stop from the moment went to bed- until pronouncing OM out loud and in repetition, sitting crossed legged facing east at front door.

 Car has been sabotaged twice.  The latest at a large auto repair shop in Springfield, Missouri.   After a $399 ‘tune up’  car has required nine quarts of oil since September of this year.  This vehicle never before lost oil. When mechanics changed oil bi-yearly, they reported oil levels normal.   And the two hours waiting in this auto shop in Springfield, MO was hit heavily with directed energy weapons.   

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.  I praise you God and love you God.


Poem:  “Went out after meditation today to sit in backyard.  Tulip tree was bathed in morning sunlight.  Trunk tall and brown against blue sky. ” This is all you need to know,” Tree offered.  Looking up strength and joy radiated from branches. Magnificence touching sky.  “Never give up,” Tree said.   But I want to sell home that is paid for leaving  everything.  And run.   Run back to Israel to talk with God at the Wailing Wall.  Or walk across the United States.”

Russian physicist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, said “He who controls the entire electromagnetic spectrum will dominate the world.”  He died in 1945.   

Mind wave technology began in the 1970’s,  V2K  (P300,)     Paul F. Batcho,  Ph.D   from Princeton knows.    With numerous engineering degrees Batcho was employed at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. In the spring of  2016 he became ‘targeted with electromagnetic torture’ (his words) ‘for the purpose of subjugation.‘   Directed energy weapons, and brain computer interface are what he is warning people about today.  Batcho had top secret Q clearance at Los Alamos and did computational physics.  He also worked with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on emerging technologies research projects.

Batcho, claims frequency signals used in targeting individuals today  is in the lethal range of 450 MHz.     He sent an email to Homeland Security on April 8, 2016 about what he believes is ‘synthetic telepathy’ from cellular towers transmitting illegal signals being used on civilians of the U.S.   This technology allows “open communication of human mind to mind bridges.”   Writing that RF bands around  450 MHz and microwave transmission induce highly damaging bio-effects in the human brain and body.   –Read more on

At  there is ‘Testimony of an Electronic Rape Victim.‘   She reports horrific DEW torture causing sever gas, pain and harrassment.  But at one point she writes: “The final straw came on the morning of ______________. 2015 when the rape started. I was lying in bed when i felt my private areas being manipulated and an orgasm being forced out of me by forces i would not see. IT WAS DISGUSTING, I WAS HORRIFIED AND IF I HAD HAD A GUN AND KNEW HOW TO SHOOT IT, I WOULD HAVE KILLED THEM ALL. I RAN UP THERE, BANGED ON THEIR DOOR, I HEARD COMMOTION AND THE PARENTS CAME TO THE DOOR BUT WHAT WAS AMAZING IS THAT AS SOON AS I STARTED RUNNING UP THE STAIRS, THE RAPE STOPPED.”  And, I was furious and confronted them about the gas, the zaps, the stalking in my own apart, the excruciating pain, and now finally the Sexual rape/molestation. I said I was calling the police. The father jeered at me and dared me to call the stupid ______________ police. He stated the officers were so stupid they would not find evidence if it was staring them in the face. He said they would never obtain a search warrant because they had no probable cause. He was right, the police believed that this was happening to me but said they had no physical evidence to help them obtain a search warrant. I was defeated. As soon as the police car drove off, the electronic rape begun and it has never stopped since then.”  And, “Every time I moved from the bedroom to my living area, it is like somebody upstairs was dragging equipment following me everywhere. Even at one 01:00 am, if  I went to the living area, the loud noise of equipment being dragged to my direct spot followed me. It didn’t matter what time of the day it was this pattern continued. The rape was intense and painful that I moved away by Sept. 20th. The rape didn’t stop but I needed to move away.”  -Thank you brave TI woman and

What is happening is so evil few citizens dare think about, much less believe it.  The victims reporting it are not evil or insane, but reporting truth so horrific the average mind cannot accept the facts.

Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today.