‘Trance Formation of America’

Though many targeted individuals (TIs) experience directed energy weapon (DEW) remote torture and remote rape, in the 1995 book by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips, ‘Trance Formation of America’ the shocking reality of what some ‘chosen’ US citizens experience, allegedly at the hands of our CIA- is horrific. This past week read ‘Trance Formation of America’ for a second time.  What is astounding is the extraordinary accuracy of the photographic and audio memories the autobiographer records relating information from the highest places of power.

Even though familiar with the book’s subject matter: the sad reality of sex slavery, pedophile rings, drug trade, mind-control and horrific torture (with devices such as electric cattle prods, or being strung up by a person’s hands to hang for hours- if not days, as well as gang rape and more…) perpetrated allegedly by the CIA on US citizenry, reveals how our country is covertly controlled allegedly by a government agency that often treats US inhabitants like chattel. 

In this book, Phillips and O’Brien name famous politicians allegedly using CIA sex-slaves. They also name movie stars, stage and music performers who are allegedly human trafficked. And the handlers/owners of those human trafficked are also named.

Mark Phillips above, writes the beginning chapters of ‘Trance Formation of America’.  He had top secret clearance to work as a ‘subliminal’ subcontractor for the CIA and DoD on defense projects like MKULTRA from 1967-1973.  Phillips had a talent for being able to read body language, and neurolinguistically discern what subjects he met with were up to, and what they could do for the US government. 

Phillips had an innate ability to do this work because as a child he rarely talked. To cure his own severe stuttering he read lots of books in grade school on the human brain.  He found that the ‘Egyptian Book of the Dead’ which, though millennia-old-had “an exact formula for trauma-based mind control.”

Phillips found out Adolf Hitler used mind-control and made Heinrich Himmler do research for him on North European families that generationally used sexual, psychological and physical abuse on their children.  -As it turned out children experiencing generational abuses could be trained to become superspies faster than the average person. The CIA found that these abused children also had what was called ‘super-human’ gifts from traumatic experiences.  Such as audio or photographic memory, extreme visual acuity, and psychic abilities.

H.G. Wells coined the phrase ‘New World Order’ in 1940’s. However, Phillips wrote and spoke of how in 1928 in one of Hitler’s speeches he mentioned a ‘European New Order.’  George Bush publicly used the phrase ‘New World Order’ on September 11, 1990.   (Allegedly George Bush’s family assisted Hitler’s rise to power.  See 2004- How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power | World news | The Guardian .)  After the demolition of the WTC on September 11, 2001, a new US federal executive department called Homeland Security was created. Much like Hitler’s ‘homeland’ reference to Germany used as a key word in mind-controlling Nazis. Mark Phillips believed the covert US government’s roots in Nazism, inspired the name for ‘Homeland Security’.

Phillips writes and speaks about how US Operation Paperclip recruited 1,600 Nazis psychiatrists, rocket-engineers, aviation & medical ‘experts’ to the US between 1945-1959, funneling them through White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico and Fort Bliss, Texas.   One Nazi- Wernher von Braun, became the first director of the NASA Marshal Space Flight Center.  (From the Smithsonian Magazine of November 16, 2016- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-us-government-brought-nazi-scientists-america-after-world-war-ii-180961110/ -Regarding how some of the chosen Nazi ‘experts’ came the the US? “Von Braun himself hand-picked people from horrific places, including Buchenwald concentration camp, to work to the bone building his rockets, Jacobsen tells NPR.”) Inside the US, the CIA created a way to covertly move any classified persons and cargo by starting their own airline called, ‘Capital International Airlines’ (CIA).  

For a short time, Mark was vice-president of Capital Airlines.  This airline moved a lot of drugs through Operation Watchtower, Mark said at Granada Forum:  “General Russell Bowen, who was one of the originators, set up Operation Watchtower, the CIA‘s drug operation. By the way, how many of you believe that the Central Intelligence Agency is the world’s largest drug dealer?  Okay… So that makes our country the largest drug dealer on the face of the Earth. I resent this…”   

Phillips and O’Brien spoke and wrote about how “mind manipulation comes in a lot of forms,” and “information control” is the biggest one.  During the 1996 Granada Forum Mark noted, “Most (intelligence) operatives do not know who they are working for. There are over 86,000 of them in this country. Now you divide that by 50 and see what you come up with. This place is crawling with Big Brother. The KGB never had that many functioning operatives in high levels as we do in this country.” 

DEA field agent Hector Berrellez is quoted as saying in a PBS Frontline investigation, “I believe that elements working for the CIA were involved in bringing drugs into the country.”  Journalists have alleged that Arkansas’ Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport was used by the CIA for smuggling ammunition and weapons to Nicaragua, Contras, and drugs back into the US.  They allege that former CIA director George H.W. Bush, and former Arkansas governor Bill Clinton were involved in this project.

Phillips is stunned, when he finds out that his own country’s government was allegedly involved at the top levels in covert drug trade, human trafficking and pedophile rings.  He writes, “Now back when I was working for the Defense Department in a project known as MKULTRA, which was the exact project that Adolf Hitler assigned Himmler to do, on multigenerationally abused children… I saw no abuse.”  

It was only after Mark met and rescued Cathy and her daughter Kelly from human trafficking and the CIA MONARCH program, by listening to their stories, that he realizes they were mind controlled, sexually & physically abused at the hands allegedly of his former employer.   At which time he notes, “Now I felt pure rage for what my country had become during the years after I had bowed out of doing defense work.  For once, my own mind seemed to be my worst enemy.  Hatred for everything consumed me. “    And, “I loved what my country had once represented to me, but now I was ashamed to be an American.”

Mark writes a lot about how the ‘National Security Act’ of 1947 countermands all laws and the US Constitution.  When he attempts to find justice legally for Cathy and her child, all court cases eventually end abruptly with the Judge claiming a ‘national security deference’ that limits or stops the court’s authority to even hear the case or look at evidence.   (Same holds true for todays Targeted Individuals.) He writes that there can be no justice for CIA MKULTRA/MONARCH victims when ‘national security’ is used to overrule all laws.

Coincidentally there can be no justice for Targeted Individuals who for decades have sought justice for the atrocities they endure allegedly under the hands of our US covert government, the CIA.

At one point speaking at a Granada Forum in October 31, 1996, Mark Phillips says, “Project Paperclip was the importation of Nazi and fascist scientists into this country after World War II that saturated our universities, saturated our Fortune 500 corporations, saturated NASA, it built NASA, and it has infiltrated every aspect of society with its filth! Filth in child pornography, filth in blood rituals and hideous religious beliefs that involve human sacrifice anything to traumatize the mind.”

Mark Phillips wrote in 1995: “Most people are saying, “We’ve got to stop this New World Order from taking over”. Its already here. We’re in it.”  All aspects of US industry, business, government, military and even medical agencies allegedly include CIA funded perps.  He writes, “In other words, mental health providers themselves are quickly becoming the second group of mind/information control victims.”

Phillips spoke and wrote about how “mind manipulation comes in a lot of forms,” and “information control” is the biggest one.  He is quoted as saying, “The greatest gift anyone can give is a good memory.” Mark Phillips died Sept. 6, 2017.

On page 77 of ‘Trance Formation of America’ Cathy O’Brien begins her autobiography.  She writes of her childhood, “I was a ‘chosen one’ or a prime candidate for mind control because of the sexual abuse that I had endured. My sexuality had been enhanced, therefore I was used as a sex slave and also delivered messages to and from these government leaders…”  The CIA used the term ‘chosen one’ when referring to certain mind control subjects who came from families where they were human trafficked, sometimes from infancy.

Most of Cathy’s processing was done by her parents from little on. As she writes reverse psychology, “This equates to “satanic reversals” and involves such play on words as puns and phrases that stuck in my mind like, “You earn your keep, and I’ll keep what you earn.”  Cathy’s father and mother allegedly worked with the government and CIA to mind-control her.  Cathy notes that at a very young age when she needed her mother’s help, it was never given.  “For example, when I could not snap my own pajama top to the bottoms in a childish effort to keep my father out of them, I asked my mother, “please snap me.”  She did.  She would snap her forefingers against my skin in a stinging manner.  The pain I felt was psychological as this proved to me once again that she had no intention of protecting me from my father’s sexual abuse.”  

Cathy writes in ‘Trance Formation of American, that after she met the alleged CIA-funded politician Gerald Ford, at her parent’s house: “Not long after that my father was flown to Boston for a two-week course at Harvard on how to raise me for this off-shoot of MKULTRA, Project Monarch.”  She spoke of being sexually exploited as a child during the 1996 Granada Forum, “At that time, the local Michigan Mafia politician who was protecting this pornography ring was a guy named Gerald Ford. This is the same Gerald Ford that went on to become the first unelected President of the United States…”  Ford’s photo below:

In her autobiography she notes even a major religion was and still is allegedly used by the CIA for mind-control purposes of ‘chosen ones.’  She was taught at Catholic school to tell only the truth to priests in the confessional. At her first confession… “I then proceeded to tell him that I had sex with my father and brother, to which he responded that I should “say three Hail Marys and one Our Father and “I would be forgiven?!  I knew then that I had to either believe that this Confession thing was a hoax, or that God condoned sexual child abuse.”  The priest immediately told her father what Cathy confessed.  That night her dad talked with her, “My father instructed me that “from now on, “I was to simply say “I disobeyed my parents” when I went to Confession and nothing more!”

Cathy wrote that, “The next time I went to Confession, I did exactly as I was told.  The veiled screen came off the Confessional partition between me and the priest, and a _____ was stuck through the window.  “God said that your penance is to “treat me as you would your father.  And remember whatsoever you do the least of your brothers, that you do unto me.’”  (Omission of above body part by Targetedartist.)

Cathy documents that on the day she was dressed in white standing outside a Catholic church to receive her First Holy Communion rite.  Two men walked up to her.  A Priest- Father Don, and a US House of Representative described by President Nixon as “the best public speaker in America,” and alleged CIA funded politician: Guy Adrian Vander Jagt.  The priest gave Cathy a blue charm of the Holy mother, saying it was, “to symbolize your service to the holy Catholic church,” that she was to “promise to serve and obey.” 

On her communion Vander Jagt gave her a rosy cross necklace that would, “lead me through the rest of my mind-controlled existence.”   Then she notes, “I could feel his breath on my neck as he fastened the necklace and instructed, “When Father says ‘Body of Christ’ and you say ‘Ahhh men’… you acknowledge that Christ is God made man, and that you know what men are for.  When Father gives you the host, it will stick to the roof of your mouth unless you suck it off his thumb.”  Cathy did as she was told. Below photo of Vander Jagt. This politician allegedly played a big role in Cathy’s life as a CIA Monarch victim.

Cathy writes and speaks about how both democrats and republicans were and still are involved in using CIA, MONARCH sex slaves, whether they are boys and girls, or grown women. She said of the political parties, “…both are involved, because it is not about party lines, it is about who’s for a New World Order and who’s not.”  At the age of thirteen Cathy was taken to Mackinac Island where Vander Jagt said, “When I was at the Vatican, I was told that Prime Minister Trudeau is a friend of the Pope.  He thinks like one of us.  A true Catholic.  He likes Cathy-licks.”  At the island she allegedly met with Trudeau.  On an earlier visit there she allegedly met with US Senator Robert C. Byrd. Below photo of Byrd:

Cathy writes of her family’s strict enforcement of CIA rules, “My father also instructed me to watch Alfred Hitchcock’s horrifying movie The Birds with him.  This reinforced in my mind the movie’s theme that there is “no place to hide from the birds/Byrd.”  (Allegedly Senator Robert C. Byrd.) Besides only being allowed to watch Disney films, Alice in Wonderland and Wizard of Oz,  “My television programming was then expanded to include the shows that every Project Monarch mind control slave I knew had to watch, I Dream of Jeannie, The Brady Bunch, Gumby and Pokey, and Bewitched.” 

Cathy uses ‘Trance Formation of America’ to explain how she was exploited until a grown woman in the Monarch program.  Through repeated traumatic torture with electric cattle prods, extreme sex abuse, and mind-control her handlers achieved in her the highest level of CIA mind control as a sex-slave and spy: that of a ‘Presidential Model’.  But Cathy writes how she had no ability to use her own mind for herself, or her free will.  The trauma and abuse ensured that. Not until Mark Phillips used reverse programing to assist in healing Cathy’s mind was she able to become herself for the first time in her life.

She notes how the “country music industry” was allegedly used by the CIA and it’s, “Entertainers were used to buy, sell and distribute cocaine brought into this country by the U.S. government for the purpose of funding the Pentagon’s and CIA’s Black Budgets.  “Cover-up, murder, drugs, and white slavery prevailed.  Entertainers usually made it big only when they participated in CIA operations and/or were slaves themselves.”  Noted in Trance Formation of America is the fact that the CIA operation once in Nashville moved to Branson, Missouri in the 1980’s. 

Above photo of Cathy and Mark in their home. After Mark died Sept. 6, 2017, Cathy wrote a eulogy, here are some excerpts: “Our great nation and essentially the whole world lost one of humanity’s true heroes… Mark Phillips was an extraordinary man of integrity who refused to tolerate criminal activity he witnessed while a US Government Intelligence insider…   When the 1947 National Security Act was invoked on Mark’s and my testimony for US Congress in 1995, he safely navigated us along the fine legal line we walked as whistleblowers right up until September 6… We opened eyes to the reality of mind control, PTSD, and healing from both… Mark dedicated his life and ultimately his vast knowledge of intelligence- level mind sciences to the reclamation and preservation of free thought… Love lives on in the light of truth. ” From, https://trance-formation.com/in-loving-memory-of-mark-phillips/

-Thank you Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips for your 1995 book, ‘Trance Formation of America.’ If anyone ever wants to look at how the US became the nation it is now… the depths of depravity, demonic and covert corruption in the U.S. -this book ties together all aspects of current life in modern America and around the world.

God thank you for standing by the side of every Targeted Individual on Earth. Sweet God, protect, love, guide and heal each TI- man, woman and child, and their territories, tools, vehicles, animals and plants… God, thank You for blessing and forgiving our attackers for many are criminally insane and some have broken their oaths, therefore many know not what they are doing. Kiss their foreheads God, awakening them to Your omnipotent power, and touch their hearts God, with Your divine love so they may know and understand Your true spiritual nature and reality, as well as their own. We are all created in Your image God-The-One-By-Any-Name, but some of us have forgotten. We love You God and thank You. Amen.

-A prayer inspired by Gloria Benish from her ‘Global Eight Prayer.’

‘Project Soul Catcher’

Photo above of ex-CIA/DOD Robert Duncan, who wrote the 2010 ‘Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed‘. This post is a book review. Targetedartist’s comments will be in green.

Duncan writes that Dr. Ewen Cameron was employed by the CIA and DOD to experiment on people who had not given their permission for brain computer interface, “…to erase their souls and minds.”  The involuntary human subjects were tortured with electroshock, weaponized drugs and by other methods… “The torture helps to depattern the good behaviors for survival, so that detrimental ones can be programmed in their place.”  Duncan goes on to note that the CIA and DoD are developing ways to “kill better,” and bring government subjects to the “edge of death during interrogation.”  Duncan acknowledges that today’s private sector BCI (brain computer interface) inventions are 50-60 years behind our military/medical industrial complex’s.

In a Pentagon declassified 2002 legal document, and the Bush White House “mental rape and torture” by U.S. government agencies was approved“…as long as the people doing it didn’t take pleasure in it.”  Duncan notes.

Duncan writes that psychic soldiers are interfaced to targeted individuals with DEW/BCI.  These are ‘mind handlers’.   If a ‘mind handler’  twirls around physically, Duncan writes, the target feels dizzy.  DEWs also produce same effect on TI’s inner ear.  There is no science fiction anymore… only science reality.

Today at exclusive toy stores, virtual BCI helmets allow manipulation of toy helicopters and cars by a mere thought from a human brain.

By computer monitoring of a targeted individual’s electromagnetic pulse; the new fingerprint- the person can be singled out in a stadium full of people supposedly by satellite and other devices on the ground such as military programs in iPhones and personal computers. The FBI calls the human EMP the new fingerprint.

Duncan notes that when a mind handler uses the technique of “mind mirror” on a TI, the TI unknowingly can torture themselves under mind control.   Because, all TIs emotional and mental responses in the brain are mapped and mined with BCI.  Then ‘chatter boxes,’ automate these responses and speak them in the TIs brain over and over.  When the TI no longer responds to the bot ‘voice’ causing shame, insecurity, guilt, anger and fear, Duncan notes the bot can no longer control  these issues.

Duncan documents, The torture and depatterning duration lasts from months to years depending on when the specific mind breaks or splits.”  

During interrogations, TI’s under BCI are taken further and further into their subconsciousness for the specific purpose of locating a level or age of consciousness willing to work with experimenters.  (The idea that scientists create ‘split personalities’ is false.  They can use a specific age level of the one whole self to encourage, manipulate and expand it, until this aspect can dominate whole self. But there are no splits in a ‘personality’ only dominant and submissive age levels of the one whole personality.) 

Deletion of memory in a TI is possible, Duncan writes, “… the target’s memory will be erased.”  Selected areas of memory.  Leaving CIA approved perception of self intact.  Though usually ‘erased’ memory comes back in most subjects over months or decades.

During this time many TIs have reported being kept sleep deprived, while DEW/neuroweapons are streamed to their EMPs resulting in remote torture, rape, and manipulation. V2K is used, and even drugs on some TIs.

TI’s go through physical weight changes among other modifications.  “Altering the targets diet for malnutrition is important in depatterning,” Duncan reports.  As well as character perception changes, “Same games are used to make the target feel that they deserve to be tortured and are not worthy and did something wrong..”  

At one point in the book Duncan writes- “It appears that in over half a century there has been little cultural maturation in CIA and related intelligence agencies.”

Duncan notes the CIA uses the Bible in naming mind control programs, “In Enoch, the ‘watchers’ are angels apparently dispatched to Earth simply to watch over the people.”  But the ‘watchers’ abuse their powers from God by having sex with humans.  The children from these relations are ‘Nephilim.’  “God sends the Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim, but send Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race.  The ‘watchers’ are bound “in the valleys of the Earth” until Judgment Day.  See Jude 1:6… Operation: “Noah’s Ark”-  Downsizing the Human Race.”   Duncan writes that many “Veterans of the U.S. Intelligence community…” end up being deleted with the Noah’s Ark because of what they know.  

Duncan warns the “cybernetic global brain project” will be in control of life on earth one day.  “Pollution would be irrelevant as would be plant and biological life forms… Human ideas and values could continue…”  inside electronic, silicon, nano-cybernetic-synthetic DNA life forms/entities that would continue “human life consciousnesses.’  

Duncan quotes a whistleblower, “I got to see what they have been working on with enormous ramifications to all social order, a new world order of electronically controlled humans without their knowledge or consent.”   CIA statistics excuse their global brain endeavors by the fact that, “95% of populations do not and cannot think for themselves due to their strong herding algorithms.”

Near the end of Duncan’s book ‘Project: Soul Catcher,’  he writes that DARPA lists humans as ‘animals.’  Adding, “The psychology community has been used to dispose of some of the greatest thinkers of our time... (using program names like…) Satanic Panic and False Memory Syndrome...”   Duncan notes that– “… people who report these horrific crimes have been discredited according to many CIA documents...”

Duncan writes who is responsible for mind control of the masses?  “120+ institutions were implicated… But the simple answer is that the Department of Defense supplies the budget, the NSA supplies the top scientists, and the CIA/DIA supplies the behavioral scientist and operators with flexible morals.”  And, “There have been reports of satanic ritual abuse all over the world in large number, yet not a single satanic cult is listed in the FBI’s top 300 terror groups.  Why is that?  Is it because they are mostly CIA, NSA, and DoD funded projects?” asks Duncan.

Under the Bush administration Duncan explains: today’s DIA/CIA lawyers do not view the human electromagnetic brain and body as being ‘electrical circuitry’ and therefore never worry about the illegal human BCI and tortured-to-death experimentation, falling under any U.S. government Electronic Surveillance Act laws. Duncan notes, “Even ion Doppler scatter sensing of neural activity, breathing and heartbeats movement of organs, through wall radar, or IR laser bounce from windows is considered LEGAL surveillance techniques…”  

Targetedartist asks if these imaging devices are used to record remote DEW/BCI torture and rape of TIs?  Turning these recordings into ‘reality pornography and torture‘ on internet sites available to member’s, and gangstalker’s?

Duncan quotes a targeted individual who heard the following during BIC: “The Constitution says that civilians can be recruited during time of war.  The U.S. is always at war.  Mind controlled, tortured, raped and brainwashed, it clearly doesn’t specify.  What  a grotesque illusion of a country we have become.  Scam artists, liars, cheaters, and poor thinkers…   I am just the artificial conscience of what they were supposed to be.  Mankind is obsolete.”

If you have been tortured, you realize there are things far worse than death.”  -A United States MKULTRA project.” – From ‘Project: Soul Catcher.’

Author Duncan quotes FBI, CIA, DoD and NSA officials, “We are not torturing people a computer is.  We do not say we will kill their families.  We have a recording to do it…  We are not spying on the American people electronically; we are just actively and passively sensing their ion gradients…  Yes, all our officers swore to uphold the Constitution, but as long as we outsourced our crimes we are not responsible…  We are not murdering people.  They are killing themselves by our influence…” 

1991 Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects is how 17 government, military and federal agencies follow policy on informed consent from experimental subjects.   Duncan records that inside this same 1991 protection policy is a waiver, “Unless otherwise required by law, department or agency heads may waive the applicability of some or all of the provisions of this policy.”

Duncan wonders at one point near the end of his book what “evidence” besides that of “the testimony of hundreds of people,” would work to convince governments and their citizens of the injustice of what is illegally happening to TI’s all over the world and in the United States?  Duncan further notes “One must remember that these are mastermind criminals whom have gotten away with murder and torture for many decades…”  who are running these experimental military/medical programs of remote DEW/BCI torture, rape and murder of targeted individuals.

This is the last sentence in Duncan’s book, “As it stands the 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.”   -Thank you Robert Duncan for your 2010 book, ‘Project: Soul Catcher.’

God thank you for standing by the side of every Targeted Individual on Earth. Sweet God, protect, love, guide and heal each TI- man, woman and child, and their territories, tools, vehicles, animals and plants… God, thank You for blessing and forgiving our attackers for many are criminally insane and some have broken their oaths, therefore many know not what they are doing. Kiss their foreheads God, awakening them to Your omnipotent power, and touch their hearts God, with Your divine love so they may know and understand Your true spiritual nature and reality, as well as their own. We are all created in Your image God-The-One-By-Any-Name, but some of us have forgotten. We love You God and thank You. Amen.