Dr. Colin A. Ross

In 2006, “The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists” by Dr. Colin A. Ross – the author explains on the first page of chapter five that the programs, “ARTICHOKE and BLUEBIRD were administratively rolled over into MKULTRA… created by the CIA on April 3, 1953.”  ‘MKULTRA was in turn rolled over into MKSEARCH on June 7, 1955.’   A CIA’s biological warfare program was called MKNAOMI. -All CIA programs are funded with tax dollars to research mind-control. Many of these programs allegedly still exist today under different names. Above photo of Ross.

From the introduction of his book, Ross emphatically notes, “I am not criticizing the CIA or the military in this book, because I am not an expert on intelligence matter…  My focus in ‘The CIA Doctors’ is on the psychiatrists, not on the CIA. It is the psychiatrists who violated the Hippocratic Oath, and it is the psychiatrist who betrayed their patients’ trust for career advancement funding and academic promotions… The main purposes of this book are: 1. To document extensive human rights violations by American psychiatrist over the last 70 years.  2. To prove that these violations were pervasive, systematic and involved leading psychiatrists and medical schools. 3. To counter claims that the violations happened in an earlier time with different ethical standards- they violated the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code. 4. To call for a systematic review of these violations by government and the profession of psychiatry.”  

“The mind control experiments were interwoven with radiation experiments, and research on chemical and biological weapons…. funded by the CIA, Army, Navy and Air Force, and concurrently by other agencies including the Public Health Service… The psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons and other contractors conducting the work were embedded in a broad network of doctors and much of the research was published in medical journals.”  

Ross continues- “Mind control contractors with TOP SECRET clearance included the American Psychological Association, Past Presidents of the American Psychiatric Association, Past Presidents of the American Psychiatric Association and the Society for the Biological Psychiatry, and psychiatrists who received awards from the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association.  Many of the mind control doctors have been the subjects of obituaries in the American Journal of Psychiatry.” -Dr. Ross, gives evidence that nonconsensual mind control experimentation was/is accepted as part of mainstream medical practice by medical doctors in all fields.

In ‘The CIA Doctors‘  Introduction, Dr. Ross finishes with, “The network of mind control doctors involved in BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA and other mind control programs has done a great deal of harm to the field of psychiatry and to psychiatric patients.  My goal is to break the ugly silence.”

Ross documents that in an ARTICHOKE declassified document dated December 3, 1951, notes “…an individual could gradually be reduced through the use of electroshock treatment to the vegetable level.” Electroshock was also used to produce amnesia successfully.   Ross writes-  “The involvement of physicians including psychiatrists in BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE was extensive, systematic and fundamental to the Programs.”

-Today Targeted Individuals suffer remote torture, injuries and manipulation when directed energy weapons, neuroweapons, and brain computer interface tare streamed into their homes and work places to connect with their electromagnetic pulse or EMP. Probably the greatest damage done to US Cuban Diplomats was to their brains.

During a 1977 congressional hearing regarding mind-control experiments Dr. Ross writes,  “Dr. Lashbrook explained the CIA’s filing system in Senate testimony…”   Lashbrook basically told a questioning Senator Kennedy that the CIA kept real files hidden and placed ‘cover’ files into filing cabinets.  To which Senator Schweiker replied… “So the FBI had a “do not file” procedure designed to handle this sort of thing, and the CIA has a cover file system to handle it.  In this case, though, some of the cover files contain pretty damaging information that doesn’t seem to reflect well on the Agency’s use of human subjects- I wonder what the real files contain.”

Concerning the CIA’s MKULTRA non-consensual human experimentation with drugs for mind-control Ross writes, “Unethical practice by physicians and the direct involvement of pharmaceutical companies… These facts have never been subject to ethical review or any policy or position statement by any medical organization.”

– TI, Janet Phelan the author of ‘Exile’, was a guest speaker at the UN -regarding designer drugs that can be put into a second water system by a city’s public works to lead directly into a TIs home, for their unwitting consumption.

Ross- “A large number of (MKULTRA) Subprojects were for the procurement of drugs, chemical and biological weapons or for research directly related to field applications… Another group of Subprojects involved the development and testing of mind control drugs…which would assist in interrogation and in the creation of amnesia… A third group of Subprojects consists of experiments and research on non-chemical mind control or psychological warfare techniques.  These include studies of social psychology, group psychology, psychotherapy, hypnosis, sudden religious conversion, and sleep and sensory deprivation.- This group… is about one quarter of the total MKULTRA Subprojects.”

In MKULTRA Subproject 35 Ross notes, “Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C.” was funded by CIA for construction of a Gorman Annex.  “The total budget for the Annex of $1.25 million was to provide a hospital safe house for mind control research.”

Dr. Colin A. Ross- “The medical profession and the leading academic institutions where mind control research was done have not yet provided a meaningful public accounting, financial or ethical, of this experimentation.  This is one of the reasons that the entire medical profession and the entire academic community are implicated in the story.”

Ross notes  CIA’s MKULTRA, “Subproject 103 was conducted by Robert Cormack and A.B. Kristofferson at the Children’s International Summer Villages, Inc. in Maine…  A MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD (MFR) from the Subproject … dated 10 December 1959 states that: It is felt that this project will support the (white out) need for cover… in the identification of promising young foreign nationals and U.S. nationals… who may at any time be of direct interest to the Agency…” 

Ross, “MKULTRA Manchurian Candidate work on hypnotic couriers and hypnotic mind control was carried out by Alden Sears at the University of Denver and the University of Minnesota.  Under Subprojects 5, 25,29 and 49 is a MFR “… date 28 May 1953 states that both Sears and the head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota are “cleared through TOP SECRET and are aware of the real purposes of the project.”  Ross- “In a MFR dated 20 April 1954 there is a description of the direct observation by Dr. Gottlieb and a CIA officer with the rank of Major, of hypnosis experiments conducted by Sears in a hotel suite.”

CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb created and ran the MK-ULTRA program from 1950s -’60s. By weaponizing drugs and using electroshock torture for mind control. From an NPR article: “Gottlieb wanted to create a way to seize control of people’s minds, and he realized it was a two-part process,” (journalist Stephen) Kinzer says. “First, you had to blast away the existing mind. Second, you had to find a way to insert a new mind into that resulting void. We didn’t get too far on number two, but he did a lot of work on number one.” -https://www.npr.org/2019/09/09/758989641/the-cias-secret-quest-for-mind-control-torture-lsd-and-a-poisoner-in-chief

In another such memorandum of May 11, 1953 Ross writes, “Sidney Gottlieb lists seven separate experiments conducted by Alden Sears…”  (Here are two,) “Experiment 1-N-18 Hypnotically induced anxieties… Experiment 5-N-100 Relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosis.”

Dr. Ross- “Although MKULTRA has received the most public attention of any of the CIA and military mind control programs, most of its Subprojects were relatively benign compared to experiments carried out in PROJECT OFTEN and MKNAOMI.  The declassified MKULTRA and MKSEARCH documents prove that systematic mind control experimentation involving physicians was ongoing at least until 1972… The BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE material establish conclusively that full Manchurian Candidates were created and tested successfully by physicians with TOP SECRET clearance form the CIA.”

Psychiatrist Dr. Ross writes, that Theodore Sarbin, Ph.D “... believes that multiple personality disorder (MPD) is almost always a therapist-created artifact and does not exist as a naturally-occurring disorder.”  Other members of the Scientific and Professional Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) agree.   Dr. Ross- “The FMSF is the only organization in the world that has attacked the reality of (MPD) in an organized, systematic fashion.”  (Many of FMSF members were funded by the CIA.)

Another FSMF Board Member, CIA’s Dr. Michael Persinger researched “… the ability of magnetic fields to facilitate the creation of false memories and altered states of consciousness, (was) funded by the Defense Intelligence Agency through the project cryptonym SLEEPING BEAUTY.”

In ex-CIA agent Robert Duncan’s book ‘Project: Soul Catcher’ it is noted most, if not all mind-control experiments are named after popular movies and books, as are the subcategories and jargon inside each program. The CIA did this, so if a non-consensual experimental subject recovered their memory.  And talked to ‘authorities’ about what CIA employees said… it would sound like the victim was having a ‘nervous breakdown’ due to the influence of a popular book or movie.

Dr. Ross notes that under FOI, the CIA and DIA “… has yielded denial that (SLEEPING BEAUTY) exists.”  Though Author Jim Schnabel in his 1997 book on “Remote Viewers” mentions the cryptonym.   Ross- “Schnabel states… “As one of the Pentagon’s top scientists, Vorona was privy to some of the strangest, most secret research projects ever conceived.  Grill Flame was just one. Another was code-named Sleeping Beauty; it was a Defense Department study of remote microwave mind-influencing techniques.”  

Author Dr. Ross writes, that in Dr. Michael Persinger’s research he used “... 10-milligauss (1 microTesla magnetic fields… applied through the temporal plane.”  

Author and Psychiatrist Dr. Ross notes that CIA’s Dr. Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West was an eminent American psychiatrist subcontracted in MKUltra programs.  “Jolly” wrote textbook psychiatry in North America concerning dissociative disorders still used today.  But these ‘dissociative disorders’ were caused by mind control programs.

CIA’s funded “Dr. Heath was a member of the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Medical Research Involving Human Subjects from 1966-1968.  Four years later he published a brain electrode paper entitled, “Septal Stimulation for the Initiation of Heterosexual Activity in a Homosexual Male.” Heath’s research ‘treated’ the “… DSM-III psychiatric disorder of “ego-dystonic homosexuality” (American Psychiatric Association, 1980) with brain electrode implants.’

Dr. Ross notes that “Dr. Heath also brought women to orgasm by electrical stimulation of electrodes he had implanted in their brains.”  One subject Dr. Ross records.  “She is called B-5 in a paper entitled “Pleasure and Brain Activity in Man.”   Another of Dr. Health’s papers, Ross writes, “… describes brain electrode research conducted on three groups of subjects; prisoners at Louisiana State Penitentiary, schizophrenics and rhesus monkeys.”

70% of TIs today are women. Streamed directed energy weapons, or the use of remote BCI on involuntary experimental subjects in their homes or elsewhere: can generate the same stimulation in the brain to produce remote rape and remote orgasm in today’s world.

Psychiatrist Dr. Ross- “The history of the termination of the Lafayette Clinic brain electrode project parallels the demise of the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study in several ways: it was initiated by a single individual; the involved doctors were prepared to continue; and public funding was withdrawn only in response to negative publicity…  These facts illustrate how the history of the different elements of mind control, biological and chemical weapons development, radiation testing and the creation of the Manchurian Candidates are intertwined and part of the same historical period.”

In Chapter 9, ‘Non-Lethal Weapons’ i.e. directed energy weapons i.e. microwave, radio wave and sonic wave attacks…     Dr. Ross describes how CIA’s Pathologist Dr. Charles Geschickter (Dr. G) was interviewed in Senate testimony regarding MKULTRA and MKSEARCH testing by the CIA in 1977.

During the 1977 congressional hearing regarding mind-control experiments interesting questions came from two senators… “Senator Kennedy: “Was the NIH (National Institute of Health) involved in any of the research projects?” Dr. G: “there was NIH involvement.” Senator Kennedy: “Could you tell us the nature of that involvement?” Dr. G: “I can tell you the nature of it accurately. One was on studies on concussion in which they rocked the heads of animals back and forth to try to cause them amnesia by concussion of the brain.  And that was for $100,000.” (US taxpayer monies.) “The other, which was funded through this later business…(CIA money) was the use of radar to put monkeys to sleep… they could put them under with radar directed towards the monkey’s brain.” Senator Schweiker, “Could they?” Dr. G: “Did they go to sleep?” Senator Schweiker: “Yes.” Dr. G: “Yes, sir. But, Senator, it showed if you got into too deep a sleep, you injured the heat center of the brain the way you cook meat, and there was a borderline there that made it dangerous.  (Hence the pink eyes in TIs.)  Ross notes, “The research described by Dr. Geschickter (above) is MKULTRA Subproject 62, conducted at the National Institutes of Health by Dr. Mailand Baldwin a neurosurgeon.”

And still the military calls radar, microwave, radio wave and sonic wave weapons ‘non-lethal’ capable of only what the military calls ‘soft-kill.’   During the 2018 Pentagon Teleconference handpicked US State Dept. doctors all agreed the US Cuban Diplomats did not suffer from mental or physical illness, but DEW, neuroweapon injuries. At: The complete hour of audio listening is at:   https://web.archive.org/web/20180915161211/https://nsiteam.com/probable-use-of-a-neuroweapon-to-affect-personnel-of-us-embassy-in-havana/

Dr. Colin A. Ross writes that non-lethal weapons research from 1980-83 went on at the ‘Marine Corps Non Lethal Electromagnetic Weapons project at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.  Bethesda is the location of the National Institute of Mental Health, a representative attended meetings with Dr. Igor Smirnov in 1993.’ And in the 1990’s non-lethal weapons research Ross reports, was done by ‘Scientific Application and Research Association, Inc. at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base; Mission Research Corps; and Armstrong Laboratory at Brooks Air Force Base. ‘

Dr. Ross of “The CIA Doctors” – In 1993 Russian Dr. Igor Smirnov an expert on non-lethal weapons met in Virginia  with the CIA, “the Defense Intelligence Agency, the FBI and the Advanced Research Projects Agency,” with non-military ‘National Institute of Mental Health’ and “Dr. Christopher Green, the Director of Biomedical Research at General Motors Corp.”  Ross notes, “A firm called Psychotechnologies Corp, based in Richmond, Virginia entered into an agreement with the Russians to share and develop this technology (non-lethal weapons) for American use.”

Author Dr. Ross- “There is abundant evidence in the public domain that non-lethal weapons research is ongoing and funded annually in the tens of millions of dollars, or more.  Given the fact that chemical and biological weapons, mind control drugs and radiation have been tested on unwitting civilian populations, it is possible that non-lethal weapons have also been tested on unwitting civilians.”  -U.S. diplomats in Moscow, China and Cuba embassies for over  thirty years would agree with that educated guess Dr. Ross… as would many targeted individuals today, including myself.

Dr. Ross- “As is true for mind control experimentation, physicians must be involved in non-lethal weapons programs.  Non-lethal weapons programs therefore pose a problem in medical ethics and require official policies and guidelines from the American Medical Association and the American psychiatric Association.  To date, organized academic medicine has acted as if non-lethal weapons do not exist.”

Above photo of former Navy Officer David Voigts became a whistleblower when he found out about a covert Navy program of involuntary human experimentation. “The program is studying human-machine interface weaponry, and the technology is used in psychological warfare, harassment, discrediting, and revenge campaigns. The Targeted Individual program is a domestic torture program aimed at unsuspecting US citizens.”  -Thank you David Voigts for raising awareness of TI’s plight by walking across America against human experimentation. Quote above from his GoFundMe site.

Chapter 10 of Dr. Colin A. Ross’s 2006, “The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists” is devoted entirely to Dr. Louis Jolyon West who received TOP SECRET clearance from the CIA as a contractor on MKULTRA.  West’s expertise was in dissociation, mind control, and hypnosis. Achieved through environmental manipulation and production of trance-like states.  This well known psychiatrist used involuntary subjects under BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA. He took pride in creating amnesia, new identities and dissociated states in the Manchurian Candidate program.

Dr. Colin Ross writes that psychic abilities were desired in involuntary subjects, “ESP research was conducted at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute by CIA consultant, DR. Thelma Moss while Dr. West was the Director.   The CIA funded paranormal research through STARGATE and MKULTRA.”   Dr. Moss authored “…43 publications from 1961 to 1973, many of which are on ESP and the paranormal.

 Psychiatrist Dr. Ross writes that Dr. West worked for CIA’s MKULTRA in“... an interlocking network of academic relationships, grants, conferences and military appointments,”  for four decades.  A letter dated February 29, 1956 from Dr. West to Sidney Gottlieb notes he is also working for the US Air Force and was in touch with the US Surgeon General.

Chapter 11 is entitled, “Dr. Marin Orne.”  Orne, a leading expert and writer on twentieth century hypnosis, its cues and triggering phenomena- receiving the Distinguished Scientific Award from the American Psychological Association in 1986.  Ross- “Dr. Orne was also interested in hallucinations, brainwashing, psychotherapy and dissociation…” had TOP SECRET clearance and was funded by the CIA through MKULTRA. Orne and West are the two psychiatrists, “... professionally active into the late 1990’s who,” were “documented CIA mind control contractor(s)…  Both men are therefore central to the history of psychiatric participation in mind control experimentation.”

Chapter 12 of “The CIA Doctors,” entitled “Dr. Ewen Cameron,” documents one of the most infamous CIA, MKULTRA psychiatrists.    -In July 28, 1985 the Washington Post did an article on Cameron: “25 years of Nightmares,” by David Remnick.   Photo of Cameron above.

The Washington Post journalist Remnick noted:  Cameron was funded by the CIA, and  famous for doing mind-control experiments on 53 people… including Harvey Weinstein’s father, Louis. The experimentation was done at McGill University in Montreal, Canada… that is taxpayer funding out of country for mind-control.  Cameron diagnosed Nazi Rudolf Hess for the Nuremberg Trials, and declared Hess sane. In the article, Remnick writes, Harvey Weinstein was suing the CIA for damages for his father’s altered life, Joseph Rauh Jr. is representing nine people in the case. “We hanged Nazis for doing the sort of things Cameron did,” says Rauh.”

David Remnick wrote for the Washington Post: “The experiments of 1957-1961 were done on patients, mostly women, who entered the Allan Institute voluntarily, usually at the recommendation of a private physician.”  “Cameron was part of an international committee of psychiatrists and social scientists… published numerous articles… Cameron began the Allan Memorial Institute in 1943 with the help of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.”

Dr. Colin Ross writes, “Dr. Cameron was eulogized in obituaries in the Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the American Journal of Psychiatry, and Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry.  Dr. Cameron received… the Montreal Mental Hygiene Institute Award, given to “a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to the mental health of the Canadian people.”

Ross- “... the Canadian government has established a fund that compensates victims of unethical experiments by Dr. Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute; compensation of $100,000.00 can be activated by documented victims by calling a toll-free number provided by the Canadian government.”

Chapter 13 entitled, “Johns Hopkins University” notes, “The current Chairman of the Department of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins is Dr. Paul McHugh, who was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on May 21, 1931.  He received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School in 1956 (research at Harvard was funded through MKULTRA Subprojects 84 and 92.)”

Ross- “Dr. McHugh and other FMSF Advisory Board members scoff at clinical multiple personality disorder… If clinical multiple personality is  buried and forgotten, then the Manchurian Candidate Programs will be safe from public scrutiny. I would like to know whether Dr. McHugh himself, or other members of his Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, are CIA or military mind control contractors.”

Dr. Ross author of “The CIA Doctors,” names many psychiatrists, scientists and physicians.  Some famous, others unknown, many infamous psychiatrists, chemists and physicians throughout his book and is sure to clarify the reason for writing his book-  by writing repeatedly that… U.S. mind-control programs could not have been successful if doctors had not broken the Hippocratic Oath.

Chapter 14 is full of doctors who break the Hippocratic Oath.  By the chapter’s end, Ross writes, “The analysis of other doctors in the mind control network presented in this chapter is illustrative, and far from exhaustive.  Contractors on CIA and military mind control research included leading psychiatrists and psychologists, Past Presidents and Awardees of the American Psychiatric Association, editors and associate editors of leading professional journals, Chairman of academic Departments of Psychiatry, and their colleagues and coauthors.”

Ross makes a special note of CIA’s H.H. Estabrooks as being, “...the only mind control doctor who has publicly acknowledged the creation of Manchurian Candidates.”  Estabrooks was a Harvard University graduate, a Rhodes Scholar and did work for the CIA, FBI and military intelligence in hypnosis, building Manchurian Candidates.

In the latter part of “The CIA Doctors,” psychiatrist and author Dr. Colin Ross selects case histories of mind-control subjects for each remaining chapter.

Dr. Colin Ross’s 2006 “The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists” is as important a book as Paul Brodeur’s 1977 “The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk, and the Coverup,”  because both reveal documented cases, and facts regarding the cover up by U.S. wealthy: their military/ medical agencies, institutions, and CIA funded-doctors.   No expert anywhere can refute any part of either book. –Thank you Dr. Colin Ross for the “The CIA Doctors.”


Thank you God for everything exactly the way it is today. Thank you God for bringing the Network collective into the light for justice, and bringing the Network Collective down to conquer them. Thank you God for the health, safety, love, guidance and protection shown to family, friends, and our territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants and me. Thank you God for the care and love you show all Targeted Individuals as you sustain us. We love you dear God and we thank you God. So be it, it is so. Amen