Missouri DEW Targets

Targeted Individuals can sometimes get out of bed in the morning with odd bruises and marks. How do marks like this occur overnight in the upper arm near the hollow space under the arm? Red spots are an inch apart and smaller than a hat pin. See photo above and one directly below:

TIs can find bruises with a pinprick sized hole in middle of swelling. TI reported after one day swelling and dot disappeared under upper arm, but bruise remained:

The bruises below appeared overnight in 2023 on a TI’s thigh. Two red dots an inch apart among bruising:

TIs experience nights of extremely harsh directed energy microwave attacks aimed at bottoms of their feet, where most nerve endings are. One TI in 2020 bent knees to put feet flat on blankets, at which time microwave attack to bottoms of feet stopped, and begin on their thighs. In the morning thighs bruised:

Unbelievable evidence in the ‘Semantic Scholar‘ which is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI.- On April 10, 2005 Semantic Scholar published the following ‘Microwave Bioeffect Congruence with Schizophrenia’ by J. McMurtry. The ‘Abstract’ reported that microwave voice transmission streamed to a single individual has the same effect as schizophrenia or microwave bioeffects. The list of injuries from microwave bioeffects are the same injuries Targeted Individuals and US Cuban Diplomats have suffered: “…short-term and spatial memory deficit, time estimation changes, deficits in sequencing, coordination deficit, numerous electrophysiologic changes, startle decrease, neurotransmitter changes, hormone alterations, immune alterations, mitochondria deficits, lipid phosphorylation decrease, lipid peroxidation, deleterious histologic change in disease reduced brain areas, activation of hallucination involved brain areas, and ocular disease.”  They are also the same injuries labeled as ‘symptoms’ that Schizophrenics suffer. The last sentence- “The development of methods to exclude microwave means in psychosis is imperative, and research is proposed.” At: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Microwave-Bioeffect-Congruence-with-Schizophrenia-McMurtrey/9ecdee4b9a353d01eb6d5da03b8b758e72661e69

The ‘CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists’ published Sept. 1, 2006 by Psychiatrist Dr. Colin A Ross basically notes that most CIA funded psychiatrists in the 1950’s were doing research on mind manipulation but, they also became so ‘famous’ that many wrote the clinical books studied in university psychiatric and psychological studies. Ex-CIA Robert Duncan’s 2010 book, ‘Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed’ eludes to the fact that perhaps the CIA funded certain psychiatrists to do their research, so they could write the injuries of directed energy microwave torture as ‘symptoms’ of mental illness- to accommodate the growing number of injuries that the growing number of U.S. involuntary human experimental subjects receive.

In 2016 when a Springfield, MO resident asked for a free home safety inspection from Captain Pennington of the Fire Department, instead of assisting a 20 year home owner concerned about the sudden ‘electric current’ running through their home: the Captain called SPD to investigate the concerned Springfield, MO tax paying citizen! In SPDs ‘investigative’ incident report consisting of a ten minute conversation, they labeled the resident a ‘person of interest’ under ‘category’. And wrote that they were ‘possibly mentally ill’. When the citizen asked one of the ‘investigating’ SPD officers why they referred to them as ‘possibly mentally ill?’ The SPD officer replied that ‘Captain Pennington of the Fire Department said you were.’ (But Captain Pennington does not have a health practitioner license.) The officers then contacted the Area Council on Aging to have the individual put in a 96 hour evaluation hold for requesting a home safety inspection because of an electric current running through their home. But the ACA refused to do so. Later, when the same person wanted to document two home break-ins (which were labeled ‘miscellaneous’) Springfield, MO Police officers wrote in their incident reports that the citizen was ‘delusional, possibly mentally ill and ‘needed help’ multiple times. -US Cuban Diplomats directed energy injuries were not reported yet in Associated Press.

Retired NSA analyst Karen Stewart below: became a Targeted Individual after letting one of her bosses know that another woman took credit for the work she had done. Karen’s face is swollen from directed energy weapon attack that occurred overnight. God bless Karen Stewart.

Interestingly enough- the Springfield, MO Police Department vacancies are rising from 50 officers needed in 2022, to 57 in 2024. According to OzarksFirst News of May 2, 2024 by Ben Gilbert and Carissa Codel, ‘Springfield police introduce hiring incentive, student loan reimbursement’, “New recruits would receive $5,000 and officers who come from other police departments would receive $10,000.” And, “The department also plans to offer a student loan reimbursement plan for new officers with existing student loan debt. Qualifying individuals would receive up to $2,500 per year for five years, not to exceed a total of $12,500.” -This kind of coercion doesn’t make residents of Springfield, MO feel safe at all considering that in 2024 we are the 11th most violent crime ridden city in the USA. Number ONE crime ridden city in the nation is St. Louis, MO according to https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america. According to ‘AreaVibes’ “… Springfield is considered one of the most unsafe cities in America.” At: https://www.areavibes.com/springfield-mo/crime/.

With less than 200,000 people living in Springfield, MO it is exceptionally bad that we have one of the most violent crime rankings in the nation. The current Police Chief Paul Williams was sworn in on July 1, 2010. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program- the ‘murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery and assault in Springfield, MO’ sky rocketed after 2011. See: https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/us/mo/springfield/crime-rate-statistics

Makes you wonder how much higher the crime ranking of Springfield, MO would be if the SPD actually listened to all their residents reporting home break-ins by documenting the crimes in the exact sense of the words used to describe them, instead of listing home break-ins as ‘miscellaneous’ reports? God bless all First Responders.

Thank you God for protecting, loving and guiding all targeted individual’s families, friends our territories, tools, vehicles, animals, plants, finances, health, food and drink, out air, water, earth, sun, oil, wood, metal, fire, and frequencies.  Thank you sweet God the One by Any Name for  everything exactly the way it is today for us.  Awesome God bring the Network Collective into the light for justice.  And Wonderful God bring the Network down to conquer then. We thank you and love you God.  So be it.  It is so.  Amen

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